Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: The lies of this world

The lies of this world

"Crowds" on New Year's Eve with Polsat prove the effectiveness of the boycott.


Maybe 1200-300 people in front of the stage, and an almost completely empty room in the back.

This is how medical segregation ends:


Co jest w tym jeszcze śmieszne i jakże wymowne wokalistka Olivia Adams powiedziała po koncercie, że “była przeszczęśliwa widząc …

In Paris, an order to wear masks because of Omicron. Covimission.



France is a very godless country and additionally open to Islamists, so the restrictions are greater, although what is in Austria, France or Canada is only a matter of time before it comes to Poland.


Lier-stwo (lie- lie) will be on ...

In Portugal, the military will help search for potentially infected people.


Another frontier in taking away people's freedom is being pushed.

Portugalskie służby wojskowe będą wyłapywać potencjalnie zakażonych. Wszystko zgodnie z zasadą małych kroczków…


Na tym etapie wojsko będzie tylko i aż  WYŁAPYWAĆ Portugalczyków i informować ich o potencjalnym zagrożeniu, ale …

Does covidism meet the definition of the word cult? Rapper YOBIYO reveals the illuminati contract.

I found this meme on the Internet, which I converted to Polish conditions quoting definitions from the Polish Language Dictionary.


Masks, distancing, and vaccination have already become a religious practice and as much a rite as possible.


On the old channel, I recorded an episode in which I discussed ...

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