Perhaps this is a satire of the stabby mentality, but even if so, it reflects the state of many stabbies. I am sorry that people are being lied to. I do my best to make sure they are not, but many are simply resistant to the truth. No ...
Category: The lies of this world
The lies of this world
First lawsuit for post-prandial complications.
People waited a very long time anyway. I'm really strongly surprised.
Krakowska kancelaria zamierza pozwać Skarb Państwa za powikłania po szczepieniu przeciwko COVID-19 – wynika z informacji Radia Zet. Według stacji to pierwszy taki pozew w Polsce. Pokrzywdzoną …
The Died Suddenly-21 Wholesale.
So far I have been posting individual cases of NAGLE-21. However, there is so much of it that I will have to post in bulk.
Sad, but we're flying:
Grażyna Socha,nie-zyje-grazyna-socha-radna-powiatu-jaroslawskiego
Riuler de Oliveira Faustino
Do you know why they are now scaring up new variants?
Aby zatuszować …
The government buys candy that treats teeth.
The king is naked....
An excellent hilarious lampoon of medical organizations collaborating with politicians:
A journalist for the Israeli television station TV 13 fell on camera. More and more people are falling in front of the cameras.
I do not know if you remember a female politician from Denmark who fell in front of the cameras? There are also football players falling down during matches and now a journalist, and it's Israeli television.
...Another one "flipped" on live TV and naturally momentarily disappeared from the
W oficjalnym komunikacie leczenia c19 nie zaleca się Witaminy C i D. Jak szpitale się przejmują pacjentami.
W zasadzie pierwszym moich odruchem po przeczytaniu takiej informacji było lekkie poruszenie kącików ust celem zaśmiania się.
Jednak nie dałem rady się zaśmiać wiedząc, że ludzie w takie bzdury wierzą.
Zdegradowany redaktor Pospieszalski mówi o tym jak to według nowego …
Zmarł NAGLE-21 dziennikarz Nowaczyński.
Zmarł 26 listopada. dzisiaj.
Kolejna osoba wchodząca w skład grupy NAGLE.
Zauważyłem, że umierają nagle głównie osoby między 50 a 60 rokiem życia pomijając sportowców. Nie wiem czy to jest dobry trop, ale chyba warty odnotowania.
Axios recommends that families set up a BROKER COWID in front of their home for the holidays.
The left-wing website Axios recommends its godless readers organize a bouncer for Thanksgiving.
"No one really wants the job, but millions of households may need their own bouncer by Thanksgiving," he said.
Portals, like blogs, shape worldviews a ...
What does the NWO want to show us through the NU variant?
The name of the new variant pt NU is information from the authors of plan demi.
13 symbolizes rebellion against God in the Bible.
There are 13 great illuminati families in the world
The Illuminati "holiday" calendar is divided into 4 periods lasting 13 weeks each.
A new variant of the NU coronavirus. Portals warn.
In this short video at the end, I explain what the NU variant is.
And now I present some of the 32 mutations of the new NU virus:
A tak na serio, to tak jak ktoś napisał mi w komentarzu na …