Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Islam

Godless platformers in Kielce stand in solidarity with refugees.

Bogdan Wenta, the PO president, during whose term of office the first ever Sodomite March in Kielce took place, now sympathizes with refugees.,79cfc278


Bogdan Wenta wiele także obiecywał przed wyborami i po półmetku kadencji praktycznie nic …

Current events along the Polish-Belarusian border are very disturbing and not because of a potential war

Conflicting information is flowing and an information battle is underway.


On the one hand, the Iraqi authorities are closing Belarusian consulates, as if this meant the end of the smuggling of immigrants, while on the other hand, the latest reports from, literally a few hours ago, indicate even greater involvement of Belarus ...

Time magazine ambiguously warns humanity "Last Call" at cop26 climate summit.

Humanity should learn to read, but not its own language, but the language of its enemy, which is the world Khazaria with many branches like a hydra with many heads.

Some are only now seeing how their state is working against them and it is only a fragile ...

A former Turkish general announces a plan to destroy ALL Christians in order to introduce the Islamic Mahdi.

A blogger whose father was a Palestinian terrorist who converted to Christianity has written a detailed report outlining what he claims are Turkey's preparations to create a pan-Islamic military to carry out anti-Christian/anti-Jewish genocide to bring the Mahdi into the Islamic messianic era.

Bloger Walid Shoebat opublikował w …

Polska pomimo rozbicia jest zbyt jednorodna i dlatego Białoruś wpuszcza nam nachodźców.

Poniżej jeden z wielu materiałów o nachodźcach przekraczających granicę Polską:


Nie popieram wrealu24 gdyż są katolikami tak jakby nie wiedzieli że Rzym wspiera napływ nachodźców do chrześcijańskich krajów Europy i że ten sam Rzym nakłania do dźgania….…

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