Just invite the anti-Christ religions ....
Just invite the anti-Christ religions ....
For the past few days I have been getting news from various quarters that something is going to happen in the near future....
I even have specific dates. It seems to me, and I am not a prophet but rather a truth-seeker, an amateur investigative journalist, that between ...
Let's read carefully the information and who publishes it.
German-American onet.pl listed the most important motives of the event according to them:
The whole border defense shindig is a pic of a water-montage.
I wrote or said on YT that I was backing away from commenting on the border situation before it even stopped being hot. Why? Because I found out about the fact that in Lubuskie already ...
Catholics must choose: either the truth or the church.
The Church of Rome has been a church of plunder, murder, crime and sodomy since the beginning of its history, that is, since the Emperor Constantine.
He has created an envelope of holiness, but it is not and never has been separate to God.
I was sent a film about the real situation over the border, not the one reported by the Polish services.
I'll start by pointing out that some of the news you'll hear I already knew about 3 weeks ago, such as the fact that people from towns not so much on the border, ...
Rafal Trzaskowski who supported Sodom now supports the idea of open borders for Islamists.
fot. zyciestolicy.com.pl
"President Warsaw, Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz, Augsburg-Evangelical Bishop Jerzy Samiec - are some of the signatories of the statement on the situation of refugees and migrants on the Polish-Belarusian border. "We believe that ...
I don't know who this man is, but he acted in an aggressive manner and let alone whether Christian...
Watch for yourself and only read my comment....
My guess is that it was a WP or WOT soldier.
There's not even ...
He copies Christopher's brother's email:
Yesterday, a - I thought brother - attacked me and another brother because we only quoted the Bible on the refugee issue because we believe, following the Bible, that newcomers should conform to the country they are fleeing to. This already former brother in the faith (slandered ...