Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Khazars

3,000 Serbs have filed lawsuits against NATO over bombing with uranium-enriched munitions.


I'll start by pointing out that just as my viral condition went away on Friday after your prayers, I've had a notorious bronchial cough since the weekend and have been slowing down a bit on the blog and beyond. Additionally, over the weekend a certain unpleasant situation weakened ...

A prisoner of Auschwitz 1.5 months before the pandemic prophetically warned of a repeat of the exclusion. According to Turski, the 11th commandment is: "Do not be indifferent".

A January 27 speech in which Marian Turski, before the presidents of several countries, warned two months before the pandemic against exclusion and segregation.

Discusses the process of indifference.


Marian Turski said. The 11th commandment is, "Do not be indifferent."


He also said:

"power sees ...

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