A cyber attack on one of the NATO countries results in the triggering of Article 5 which means war against the country that made such an attack.
The parties agree that an armed attack on one or more of them in Europe ...
A cyber attack on one of the NATO countries results in the triggering of Article 5 which means war against the country that made such an attack.
The parties agree that an armed attack on one or more of them in Europe ...
Like potatoes from a car a gun is issued.
A Slav will murder a Slav. An Orthodox of an Orthodox only because Khazaria has manipulated both sides.
The land will remain free for Khazaria after the war.
The text is edited today from the day of the official outbreak of war on 24.02.2022 (22.02 provocations began).
I have written for many years that there would be a war and I was only wrong about the timing.
Podobnie jak wiedziałem i nastawiałem się na biblijny ucisk, którego …
Dogrzebałem się co oznaczają owe tajemnicze znaki na rosyjskich pojazdów wojskowych.
Podobno oznakowane pojazdy w koło lub trójkąt mają uderzyć na Charków.
Mają trzy warianty nowego oznakowania, które możemy zobaczyć w filmach na czołgach, transporterach opancerzonych, artylerii i pojazdach wsparcia. ...
Russian military vehicles have strange markings.
These symbols resemble the illuminati symbol.
Prawdopodobnie oficjalnie mają znaczyć coś innego, ale jak wiemy symbole na “państwowych” (państw już nie ma, są korporacje) przedmiotach nadają ludzie wpływowi, a nie zwykły …
I was sent the President's Executive Order, which is effective February 22, 2022:
I checked and there it is:
"§ 2. 1. components of foreign troops, referred to in § 1, during their stay on the territory of the Republic of Poland
w celu wzmocnienia wojskowego …
Putin wystąpił o zgodę na użycie wojsk za granicami kraju. Otrzymał ją natychmiast.
We Bible believers cannot envy anyone's money, so what I am going to write is an assessment from the point of view of a citizen and a journalist at the same time because it is with taxpayer money.
Personally, I don't even care how much Rydzyk earns, because people themselves offer ...
Pro-Palestinian group The Rights Forum filed a Freedom of Information request to force disclosure . Administrators of more than a dozen universities in the Netherlands are currently gathering information on ties to Israeli and Jewish organizations. Gerard Jonkman, dyrektor The Rights Forum, powiedział, że prośba …