Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Category: Khazars

TV presenter calls for genocide of Russians by killing their children.

There is much talk about the bestiality of the Russians, which in principle should be subject to verification like any other news, but what I will present below is authentic information.


Quoting Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, Ukrainian Channel 24 television presenter Fahruddin Sharafmal, called ...

Zelenski nominated for the Nobel Prize?


"A group of European politicians has appealed to the Norwegian Nobel Committee to reopen the procedure for nominating candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize, which would make it possible to nominate Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky”



Khazarian system, Khazarian nominations and Khazarian awards.

If the committee agrees ...

The Ukrainian Army shoots at civilians' homes and then portrays it as Russian Army shelling.

The fact that the Ukrainian army shoots at civilians' homes and then portrays it as shelling by the Russian army or the DPR people's militia was confirmed in an interview by the author of the video below, Patrick Lancaster:



You have to turn on the subtitles.







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