Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Category: Khazars

Protestantism is Christian Khazarian Zionism.

With the establishment of the United Nations, the foundation of the Khazarian world government, and Poland's defeat of Bolshevik Russia, Khazarian Protestantism was born.

Wikipedia itself states that Christian Zionism became stronger after the creation of Israel (false).



The introduction of PLANdemi around the world would not be ...

Ukraine's military commander brags about ordering mass CIRCULATION of all wounded Russian soldiers.

About a week ago I relayed to you that Ukrainian journalist calls for genocide of Russians by killing their children.

Today, there is a new facet to the Ukrainian mentality that is supposed to enrich our culture.



Namely shead of medical service of the Ukrainian army stated that the Ukrainian ...

Ukraine's expansion since 1654 and Heavenly Jerusalem. Will Poland be next?

Probably a significant number of you have already learned the story of the so-called Heavenly Jerusalem of the descendants of the Khazars.

The usurper state of Israel has been under attack since its inception due to its notorious conflicts and displacement of Palestinians.


Below is the text I found on the internet:


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