Dr. Ruby shows that some series of jugulars are more deadly than others. He says they are experimenting with themselves as to what doses can kill and what doses cannot.
Dr. Ruby shows that some series of jugulars are more deadly than others. He says they are experimenting with themselves as to what doses can kill and what doses cannot.
I finally found the time to read and, as promised, have put together a collection of the advice I received with my cold. Some say I had a celebrity, but I didn't have shortness of breath or even a fever....
Perhaps others may find what is here helpful ...
Sounds biblical, but this is a comment by reader James from my blog, which I am copying because it is a proclamation to all of us:
I myself don't know where to start because there is so much ... for some time, I've been wondering if the forum ...
My heartfelt thanks to all who responded to my by i nagging and supported me with prayers, advice, links and in other ways....
There are so many Facebook messages alone that it will probably come down to over an hour.
This is an interesting experience because ...
Extremely interesting interview in which a doctor going against the grain of the Rockefeller system of medicine explains the impossibility of isolating the usa virus, so the subsequent variants are just plain LIErty.
Jest to bardzo ważny temat, gdyż pominięcie go skutkuje łatką szura i to jeszcze nie jest najgorszy problem. Zagrożona jest jeszcze nasza wiara, a raczej podważana wtedy, kiedy ktoś w rodzinie lub znajomych choruje lub co gorsza umarł na kowida …
It is worth watching such films because they show how much we have ceased to care about the law since the Khazarian Bolsheviks took over Poland in 1945.
A company called the police (NWO)
I'm convinced that most police officers don't know what company they work for. ...
Rząd RPA ogłosił, że kraj zamierza zaprzestać śledzenia i kwarantanny kontaktów firmy Omicron. Eksperci medyczni odkryli, że Omicron jest tak słaby, że nie muszą śledzić jego wariantu wśród ludzi….
Ministerialny Komitet Doradczy (MAC) ds. Covid-19 napisał do …
In a way, this is a very interesting thread in the case.
Perhaps let's see what an anagram of the word Omikron or Oncomir is.
It is a micro-RNA (miRNA) that is associated with cancer.
“Rozregulowanie niektórych mikroRNA (oncomirów) jest związane z określonymi zdarzeniami rakotwórczymi ( …
W zasadzie pierwszym moich odruchem po przeczytaniu takiej informacji było lekkie poruszenie kącików ust celem zaśmiania się.
Jednak nie dałem rady się zaśmiać wiedząc, że ludzie w takie bzdury wierzą.
Zdegradowany redaktor Pospieszalski mówi o tym jak to według nowego …