Category: Ecumenia
Tomasz Żółtko an unbeliever in the Word of God ecumenist.
I took the liberty of copying the psc of Mr. Zoltko's comment posted in the anti-ecumenism group.
This touring musician of Polish churches, instead of making a biblical stand in the discussion, psychologically attacked all opponents of ecumenism (fraternizing with the religion of the Queen of Heaven and ...
Baptists of Lodz in ecumenism with the Church of Rome.
So why did people leave the Marian cult when Mr. Wakula, the pastor of a Baptist church in Lodz, plays a serious role in the Polish Ecumenical Council in Rome?
Dear Baptists, you are being deceived, and ecumenical pastors are plain traitors to God. they are joining with a church that in ...
The network of connections with Rome in the example of Matthew Wichary.
"Multireligious" plot is meant to combine three different worlds and three different cultures
Islam, Judaism and "Christianity" all rolled into one. The latest trend is "three-packing," meaning you can believe whatever you want and still be one with the Satanists.
The inconvenient truth, however, has quite a different ring to it. Judaism has nothing to do with the Torah, ...
Polish rabbi, Catholic priest, Lutheran pastor and immam in one election spot.
Reader Boro provided a link to this video.
This spot demonstrates the unity of all religions despite doctrinal differences.
But these differences have long been apparent. The Lord Jesus did not create any religion. None! He pretty much denied Pharisaism.
Another truth is that ...
Andrzej Jeziernicki, a presbyter of the Evangelical Christian Church, lectures at the Ecumenical School of the Word of God at the Catholic University of Lublin.
Pastor of the Pentecostal church in Kielce Andrzej Jeziernicki together with the empire of Rome.,art_74619.html
This pastor is also a member of the Board of Directors of the Polish Evangelical Alliance.
These are the kind of people you trust in the churches. You came out of the church of Rome to be stuck in it ...
Hillsong leader announces he no longer wants to participate in Christianity
As you can see, the electrifying music of charismatics does not build true faith.
The leader of the iconic band Hillsong, Marty Sampson, announced Friday on Instagram that he is "really losing faith" - and he's not upset about it. Sampson was one of the original leaders of the cult band Hillsong. ...
Czolowi przywódcy Adwentystów na międzyreligijnym spotkaniu zorganizowanym przez Jezuitów.
Adwentyści nazywający się resztką Jezusa w komitywie z Jezuitami, muzułmanami i ekumenicznymi ewangelikami – czyli większością – spotkali się w dniach 7-9 czerwca 2019 r. W Chiba w Japonii, gdzie odbyło się forum złożone z przywódców ponad 300 wyznań.
Meritum ...