Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Economics


Przesiedleńcy z Ukrainy nie zapłacą PIT i CIT w Polsce. Jaki to będzie miało skutek dla Polaków?


Jak nas informuje “Rzepa”, przesiedleńcy zostaną zwolnieni z podatku PIT i CIT.


W ustawie znalazł się również zapis rozszerzający zakres tzw. estońskiego CIT o “podmiot prowadzący rzeczywistą działalność gospodarczą na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej, którego odpowiednio udziałowcami, akcjonariuszami


During the financial crisis of 1720, the British Parliament debated a resolution that bankers be sewn up in snakeskin sacks and thrown into the Thames

I am not urging violence, but want to show how humanity has lost its instinct for self-preservation.

On the one hand, some nations sanctified by the media and the U.S. murder their own and handle prisoners of war in a brutal manner, and on the other, for example, Poles robbed by prime ministers ...

Biden said things are changing and there will be a "New World Order" and we need to "lead it"

As recently as 5 years ago, and perhaps even just before PLANdemia, the theory of the New World Order as a conspiracy of all governments against the people to create a single communist one was relegated to the category of conspiracies for the mentally ill. Today after much of the world's ...

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