Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Demons


Adrian's testimony about masturbation and God's advice on how to get out of it. Beat your demons with Jesus.


I believe that our Brother wrote this text under the influence of the Holy Spirit.

He wrote not only about the history of his enslavement, but also about how to get out of it.

I invite you to this inspired text.



I write this text as a testimony, a warning ...

A concerted attack on Christian countries. 400 migrants have arrived in Italy.


More than 400 migrants reached the Italian island of Lampedusa on Monday, Ansa reported. They are survivors of four boats rescued by Italian maritime services.

First, Italian patrol boats brought 385 migrants to Lampedusa from a pontoon that began taking on water. ...

Poszukiwanie „obcego życia” jest teraz najwyższym priorytetem astronomów na najbliższe10 lat.


Poszukiwanie obcego życia jest najważniejszym priorytetem astronomów w ciągu najbliższych dziesięciu lat.

Tak  wynika z ważnego, sponsorowanego przez NASA raportu. Jak donosi Independent, ludzkość musi kontynuować polowanie na światy, które mogą być domem dla innych rodzajów życia.

To z …

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