- Rosja nie weźmie udziału w specjalnym posiedzeniu OBWE w sprawie ćwiczeń na terytorium Białorusi – powiedział szef delegacji Gawriłow.
Wycofywanie się jest najbardziej niebezpiecznym momentem w konflikcie ukraińskim.
- Stan wyjątkowy będzie w Polsce jeśli wybuchnie konflikt na Ukrainie. Zdaniem wicemarszałka
Category: Conflicts and Wars
Conflicts and Wars
It was not only in Ukraine that the sites did not work.
As I mentioned yesterday I could not access Discord. Here is a snapshot of last day's crash:
As you can see, the problems occurred exceptionally on February 15 between 8:30 and 10 p.m.
But that's not all.
The Santander.pl website also did not work
To jeszcze nie …
War News 15.02.2022 - Russia will attack at 2 a.m.
As of 15.02, the websites of the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces of Ukraine are not working.
- O 15ej zbrojne formacje ukraińskie z kierunku Orechowa otworzyły ogień snajperski w kierunku osady Gołubowskoje, w wyniku czego członek Ludowej Milicji Ługańskiej Republiki Ludowej został zabity”. Czyżby pierwszy zalążek
Not the end game. The Russian Parliament approves a draft for official recognition of the People's Republic of Donetsk and the People's Republic of Lugansk.
Duma Państwowa Rosji zatwierdza projekt oficjalnego uznania Ludowej Republiki Doniecka i Ludowej Republiki Ługańskiej. Musi zostać ratyfikowany przez prezydenta Putina.
Minister spraw zagranicznych Ukrainy powiedział, że Kijów uzna uznanie przez Moskwę samozwańczych republik Donbasu za wycofanie się Rosji ...
The Russian Ministry of Defense announces the return of military units to their regular points.
Fresh news yet unverified:
Units of the southern and western military districts will start returning to their permanent deployment points on Tuesday after the exercises, Russia's Defense Ministry said.
I found an interesting comment by an average or maybe not average American (Zionist?):
“Wyjeżdżaliśmy z …
President Zelenski declared February 16 as the Day of Unity of Ukrainians. "Russia is changing troop positions 'to attacking.
The President of Ukraine declared this very day, which according to American intelligence is supposed to be the day of Russia's attack on Ukraine, the Day of Unity of Ukrainians.
Russia, on the other hand, claims that the West has become hysterical with a potential war and that it is merely conducting exercises.
Media from ...
War News 14.02.2022.
3. Cztery amerykańskie bombowce B-52H Stratofortress, zdolne do przenoszenia broni atomowej, wylądowały wczoraj w Wielkiej
War News 13.02.2022 "threat of invasion of Ukraine is 'high and imminent' enough"
I said everything would speed up after the 10th and it does.
I am no longer able to write about everything. Highlights.
- Putin spoke with Biden and Macron, but no breakthrough.
- Investors were spooked by warnings from the United States about a possible
War News 11.02.2022.
Joe Biden warns of war: Americans should leave Ukraine immediately.
Russia agrees to talks on Ukraine. However, it places a condition.
- Large Russian landing ships of the "Toad" type, part of the Northern Fleet and the Baltic Fleet, are sailing to the Black Sea.
A fire broke out at the Banque de France.
A major fire broke out yesterday in Chamalières, France on the grounds of the Banque de France. Many firefighters were mobilized. Shortly before noon the fire was brought under control.
According to the Puy-de-Dôme prefecture, at 11:50 a.m. the fire was under control and " 24 minor injuries were reported ", w ...