That Zelenski has already become a supranational hero, I have no doubt, but the uncritical acceptance of him as the liberator of Ukraine when NATO is conducting it, shows not so much the infantile nature of the world in this strong naivety and lack of knowledge of God by the Poles, but proves ...
Category: Conflicts and Wars
Conflicts and Wars
Ukrainian bishops want to fix Russia by entrusting it to the so-called Mother of God.
I guess there is no greater curse than dedicating a country to the so-called Mother (not) of God.
We know well from history that the granting of the title of Queen of Poland was connected with the loss of Poland's power. Since then there have been ONLY disasters:
Prof. J. Mearsheimer "the US is to blame for the war in Ukraine".
From the description:
"Looking for an answer to why the Russians struck Ukraine? This was coherently and accessibly presented by American Professor John Mearsheimer - American political scientist, founder of the theory of offensive realism, and lecturer in political science at the University of Chicago in an interview with King's Politics* . W ...
Infoholism warfare and the two faces of religionists.
Recently, during a voice conversation on Discord and in a chat room, some Brothers and Sisters admitted that they had given in to the mania of exploring information around the wars, which caused them to be distant from God and anxious.
You could feel the adrenaline, excitement and waves of emotions.
However, having ...
Niechaj występni odejdą precz do Szeolu, wszystkie narody, co zapomniały o Bogu.
Naiwni chrześcijanie pozbawienie kompasu Bożego zostali wciągnięci w grę “dobrego i złego”, która jest serwowana niemal w każdym filmie sensacyjnym.
Krótki opis filmów.
W “Wejściu Smoka” Bruce Lee przedostaje się na wyspę celem zniszczenia fabryki narkotyków prowadzonej przez Hana.
Pozornie …
The next installment of totalitarianism, or war as the BIS covariate.
First it was banned to criticize the pandemic. Now it is threatened to criticize the actions of the situation around Ukraine.
After all, it has been known for a long time that Putin is sucking his people dry just as the Khazars did Ukraine. However, the time has come that nothing bad must be said about the next level of building ...
Uwaga na proukraińskich pastorów. To wilki w owczych skórach.
Pokazywanie zła tylko po jednej stronie w przypadku pastora rzekomo natchnionego Duchem Uświęcającym nie jest pomyłką.
To wilki w owczych skórach.
Ci zwodziciele uprawiają retorykę Bidena, Żełeńskiego i TVN. W ten sposób oczyszczają kłamcy jedni rząd “ukraiński” a …
Who does the pro-American PIS government along with Biden want to install for us?
Maciej Maciak of CW24 was a Cowidian at first, but after some time I think he got over it.
He is not a Christian and so you need to be able to choose from that channel.
On the other hand, he is a good journalist who often shows the reality w ...
Sebastiana Nadolskiego zdroworozsądkowa ocena sytuacji wokół wojny na Ukrainie.
Lach Chwat (Sebastian Nadolski) jest jednym z nielicznych antystemowców, którym ufam.
Jest to człowiek prawy tak po ludzku patrząc i posiadający logiczne wnioski, a co najważniejsze historie potrafi skonfrontować ze współczesnością, a nie jak większość Polaków niekonsekwentnie brnąca w odrobienie …
NATO says that if one member is attacked by Cyber attacks, Article 5 applies.
A cyber attack on one of the NATO countries results in the triggering of Article 5 which means war against the country that made such an attack.
The parties agree that an armed attack on one or more of them in Europe ...