Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Conflicts and Wars

Conflicts and Wars

The Ukrainian Army shoots at civilians' homes and then portrays it as Russian Army shelling.

The fact that the Ukrainian army shoots at civilians' homes and then portrays it as shelling by the Russian army or the DPR people's militia was confirmed in an interview by the author of the video below, Patrick Lancaster:



You have to turn on the subtitles.







Zelenski: "We will not forgive hundreds of victims and thousands of sufferings; neither will God."

Just a reminder that I'm banned again on chazarbook.


Another Zelenskian reference to God.


Another time, earlier this comedian said:




Let's not delude ourselves, or perhaps to naive Christians I'll write: don't delude yourselves, Zelenski is playing the role of good cop ...

Currently there is only one martyrdom. HELPING THE CITIZENS OF UKRAINE? GET A GRIP, HOLY MOLY!

There is no other martyrdom than Ukrainian.

But Poles are excluded....

The neighbors could be in rich Germany, France, Austria, but they are in Poland.

May there be more films like this.




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