Please pray for me and
I am very much asking you to post my prayer request for my wife Anna.Since few days my beloved wife Anna is suffering a lot with severe depression and anxiety,she hardly eats anything,I myself pray few times a day but it doesn't help,very ...
From YT I got banned for 2 weeks. From Facebook for a month.
It's only a matter of time when I won't be able to post anything at all on Khazarian social media platforms.
I pretty much passed my ban from YT yesterday, but they want to discourage me otherwise. ...
Have you prayed this year for:
I have been asked to pray for a believing woman who is having major problems after the death of her husband.
“Mam prośbę, pomódl się o ta Lucynę, żeby odzyskała pieniądze po zmarłym mężu i żeby jej syn dostał rentę po ojcu. Ma ciezka sytuacje, …
“Jezusie Chrystusie. Ty który wskrzeszałeś zmarłych, przywracałeś wzrok niewidomym.
Take care of my friend Wowka.
Save him from misfortune, and from a possible war in Ukraine.
Błogosław mu i miej go w swojej opiece.”
“Bracie Piotrze proszę o modlitwę za moją wnuczkę Amelkę, która urodziła się z zespołem downa i 14.02 kończy pięć lat, a do tej pory w zeszłym roku zaczęła dopiero sama chodzić, a mówi tyko mama, baba, tata. Rehabilitacja może daje …
"Please pray for Toni's family from Italy and his wife's family who have been ill lately supposedly with covidium in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ"
I would like to ask for prayer for Anya and her children (four of them) as well as the landlord who uses alcohol and apparently drugs are also involved. However, her sister (they don't live together) started to call up spirits of two people close to her who had died. Today I found out ...
Despite coming to terms with the death of this God-believing man, I suggest prayer. It is never too late.
Dear God will do as He will, but Praise Him for this man's brother in faith no matter how the Father decides.