Category: Roman Church
Catholic Church
Kościół katolicki jest kościołem diabła. Zaczynają się msze LGBT+.
Wiem, że dla wielu tytuł ten brzmi kontrowersyjnie a nawet obrazoburczo, ale wszystko jest kwestia wiedzy. Kościół RZYMU NIGDY w swej historii nie reprezentował charakteru Jezusa.
To, że teraz ROZPOCZYNA SIĘ jawne poparcie w tym kościele oznacza tylko, że wychodzą …
Were the apostles nationalists?
Perhaps I should write this before November 11, but the thought came to me yesterday.
I consider critical The message of this text that I am writing now, today, Tuesday.
Yesterday's coverage of the 2019 Independence March was of little consequence in the context of what I will write....
Rozbiory Polski wynikiem manipulacji kościoła katolickiego.…
Pope Francis, along with a shaman, supports a one world religion.
Our countrymen have veils over their eyes not seeing what this church of theirs is and what the Marian cult causes.
What few still only consider the Pope as evil. But if so, then you have no confidence in a man who SHOULD be from God ...
In 1605 the Jesuits hired a Catholic, GUY FAWKES, to assassinate King James so that his bible would never see the light of day.
W kościele rzymskim nie ma Ducha Świętego: ponad tysiąc osób pijanych za kierownicą podczas akcji policji pt “Znicz”.
Jak wiemy według statystyk w Polsce mamy ok 93% katolików a więc skoro złapano ponad 1000 kierowców po spożyciu alkoholu, to oznacza, że co najmniej 900 osób było katolikami.
Katolicyzm można zweryfikować choćby właśnie przez owe kontrole drogowe nic …
The difference between Catholic paganism and belief in Almighty God and His Word.
Archbishop Głódź and bullying. With such a church enters into ecumenism Evangelical Alliance (Baptists, KZ, KCHWE and others)
As many as 16 priests corroborated the testimony of victims of bullying by the ARCY bishop of this very humble church that is the Catholic Church.
In a report aired on October 24, several former and current priests described how Archbishop Slawoj Leszek Glodz abused and exploited them ...
Should a biblical Christian go to the cemetery on November 1.
Definitely not, and not because we are perverse, but because of the genesis of the day, as with all Cato-Lite holidays.
Just as the Sabbath is a separation from the unholy, the heathen, people who do not know God, so it should be with Sol Invictus (December 24), ...