Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: Roman Church

Catholic Church

Current events along the Polish-Belarusian border are very disturbing and not because of a potential war

Conflicting information is flowing and an information battle is underway.


On the one hand, the Iraqi authorities are closing Belarusian consulates, as if this meant the end of the smuggling of immigrants, while on the other hand, the latest reports from, literally a few hours ago, indicate even greater involvement of Belarus ...

"Holy Father" urged at COP26 climate summit to act. + links to Zionism.

This man is the usual antichrist of many and speaks the same language as Klaus Schwab.



Holy means according to the Bible separated for God from the world, and this pope of deceived Catholics speaks like this world.

The mask in the picture is ...

Sister Chmielewska at the system's service to the growing number of sick people: let's thank the unvaccinated.

The term "sister" among believers does not apply to women who have gone into the religious order, but to any woman who believes in the Word of Jesus, and it has nothing to do with the religious order.

The Church of Rome has distorted many meanings.


for wikipedia.


This person with a quasi-masonic ...

Time magazine ambiguously warns humanity "Last Call" at cop26 climate summit.

Humanity should learn to read, but not its own language, but the language of its enemy, which is the world Khazaria with many branches like a hydra with many heads.

Some are only now seeing how their state is working against them and it is only a fragile ...

Bishop Vigano: "Vaccine victims are sacrificed on the altar of Moloch" "'Pandemic Sanhedrin' spins 'maze' of COVID lies".

Archbishop Vigano is the Korwin Mikke of the church of Rome. He gives vent to the angry emotions of Catholics unhappy with Rome's participation in the global conspiracy against humanity.


Vigano stated: "Vaccine and abortion victims are sacrificed at the altar of Moloch.


To prawda, Vigano ma …

"Who owns the world? The Monopoly of a Few Companies." A film that will awaken many.



The film is being hailed as the first movie to awaken humanity since the film The Zeitgeist. O ile ten pierwszy mieszał prawdę z kłamstwem o tyle film “Monopol. Kto rządzi światem” przedstawia same fakty.…

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