...Naukowcy twierdzą, że znaleźli starą wersję rozdziału Biblii ukrytą pod fragmentem tekstu sprzed ponad 1500 lat.
Grigory Kessel, historyk z Austriackiej Akademii Nauk, ogłosił odkrycie na początku tego roku w artykule w New Testament Studies, recenzowanym czasopiśmie akademickim wydawanym przez
Category: Biblical history
W kwestii słowa “Palestyna” doszło również do kłamstwa.
Czytam właśnie księgę Zachariasza i okazuje się, że słowem Palestyna nazywano Ziemię Świętą, a więc
W Zachariaszu 2:16,
(16) I weźmie Pan Judę w posiadłość dziedziczną, jako swój dział w ziemi świętej, i znowu obierze Jeruzalem.
Mądrości 12:3 ...
Part I - The two books of humanity and the search for the keys. How it was in the days of Henoch.
I only post good videos and relatively safe ones on the blog.
Of course, there's something for everyone here, but all in all, this film about the time of Henoch and Noah is well worth watching, and it resonates with what's happening today.
Some like ...
Unexpected deaths in Austria of young and middle-aged people.
A global genocide is underway.
The deaths of the two doctors who died at the Landesklinik Wiener Neustadt have caused a huge shock. Even some Austrian mainstream media were surprised by their deaths.
Recently, two doctors died in Autria: 46-year-old surgeon Dr. Stefan Halper and 52-year-old ...
Creator of replica of Noah's Ark hopes to sail it to Israel
The lie of the Didache translation.
Didache has been cited as the earliest biblical "evidence" of the veneration of Sunday by those who profess Christ , though it does not always use the word Sunday or the Expression "the first day of the week. "
However, verse 14.1 is often cited as evidence of Sunday observance by ...
Yeshua, Jehoshua, or Yahusha.
I received an email from a reader concerned about Michael's teaching on the name of Jesus. In his video, Michael shows the name of Jesus as Yahua.
I could have written in the comments below this video, but as I was posting Michael's videos I owe readers an explanation ...
What is the name of God
The film shows the history of the name of God.
Od Pan, po YHWH do Jehowa.…
Yeshua - His Name written in our hand.
The True Roots of the Emerging Church.
"The True Roots of the Emerging Church.
The video mentions:
-contemplative prayer
-Lutheran Hegel
-Mahometh under the influence of demons