Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: The End Times

A section depicting important events that are part of the end times sometimes called the apocalypse.

LGBT is not a love organization. A young transgender man raped a 9-year-old girl and her father faces charges.

The photo above is a screen shot from the DailyMail website.


Just a week ago, I wrote about trans inmates who rape women in prison because (without) the law allowing them to house opposite-sex inmates.


Now we have a different situation. Remember basically ...

Jaki jest związek dźganek na c19 z abortowanymi komórkami?

Poniższy tekst jest ze strony Fundacji Pro-prawo dożycia.




„Moje oczy były skupione na lekarzu… który rozpoczął „sporządzanie inwentarza części”… części ciała… NIE! SZCZĄTKÓW NIEMOWLĘCIA!… Widziałam jedną idealną małą nóżkę… wyrwaną przy biodrze… następnie kolejny kawałek… jedna idealna ...

Australia is building new and permanent quarantine camps for the unvaccinated.

Australia, a country which, like Canada, is becoming a communist country despite the end of restrictions, is busily building new "quarantine" camps, which according to the government there will be needed next year, to accommodate people "who did not have access to vaccinations."



Australian officials ...

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