Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: The End Times

A section depicting important events that are part of the end times sometimes called the apocalypse. o nadmiarze zgonów “Komentarze o depopulacji kraju nie były przesadzone”. Statystyki bezwzględne.

Bardzo rzadko wchodzę na, ale dzisiaj akurat to zrobiłem i ku mojemu zdziwieniu -chyba rozgrywki polityczne – ten lewicowy portal umieścił badania kierownika jednej z warszawskich aptek, który analizuje dane o epidemii i jej śmiertelności. W analizach powołuje się ...

"Holy Father" urged at COP26 climate summit to act. + links to Zionism.

This man is the usual antichrist of many and speaks the same language as Klaus Schwab.



Holy means according to the Bible separated for God from the world, and this pope of deceived Catholics speaks like this world.

The mask in the picture is ...

War is a matter of time. Polish soldiers spotted three uniformed individuals with long guns on Polish territory."

Lukashenko, Putin's faithful companion and obedient servant of the World Bank, is provoking the Polish services to fire shots. It is getting hotter and hotter on the border and I am not writing about it for sensationalism, because everyone can see what is happening.

According to the portal ...

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