Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: The End Times

A section depicting important events that are part of the end times sometimes called the apocalypse.

An 88-year-old woman, died after waiting several hours to be admitted to hospital despite having a negative 'test' three times.

They also kill with procedures. Not just with stabbings.



Where are the man-caring leftist thugs?

A new kind of homicide: "in accordance with procedures."


But the blood of these people will cry out for justice. The measure of evil will yet be completed, but all those who ...

Ottawa police announce digital surveillance of Freedom Convoy protesters and supporters.

The Ottawa Police Service has announced a new operation in which it is working with federal intelligence agencies to create "enhanced intelligence operations and investigations." which will target those participating in and supporting the convoy of Canadian truck drivers.

Ottawa Police ...

Unvaccinated Italians have found a way out in the face of the ban on entering restaurants without a passport.

Italy is a very restrictive country when it comes to cowid passports, which are required for buses, restaurants, and so Italians have found a way to bypass the restrictions on their love of feasting: they meet in the streets at restaurants.


This should ...

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