Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Category: The End Times

A section depicting important events that are part of the end times sometimes called the apocalypse.

The next installment of totalitarianism, or war as the BIS covariate.

First it was banned to criticize the pandemic. Now it is threatened to criticize the actions of the situation around Ukraine.

After all, it has been known for a long time that Putin is sucking his people dry just as the Khazars did Ukraine. However, the time has come that nothing bad must be said about the next level of building ...

In Kiev, they issue weapons to anyone who wants them.

Like potatoes from a car a gun is issued.

A Slav will murder a Slav. An Orthodox of an Orthodox only because Khazaria has manipulated both sides.

The land will remain free for Khazaria after the war.


Goyim are being screwed. The Ukrainian oligarchs around Zelenski have Israeli citizenship.


“Najpotężniejszy dziś człowiek na Ukrainie, miliarder i oligarcha IhorKołomojski jest obywatelem Izraela oraz przewodniczącym Europejskiej Unii Żydowskiej i Zjednoczonej Wspólnoty Żydowskiej Ukrainy – najważniejszej organizacji tej mniejszości narodowej w kraju. W 2012 roku wybudował w Dniepropietrowsku (dziś: Dnipro) największe …

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