Category: Antichrist
Netanyahu ślubuje aneksować dolinę Jordanu na Zachodnim Brzegu po wyborach w Izraelu.
Przemawiając na konferencji prasowej w Ramat Gan we wtorek, przywódca Izraela obiecał „zastosować suwerenność Izraela” w Dolinie
Deception of Daniel's 70th Week.
Understanding seven years of 70 -this Daniel's week is very important because it exposes the lies and goals of the antichrist system.
The truth is that Daniel's 70th week began when Messiah was baptized at age 30 and anointed przez …
Uwaga! Zaczyna się propaganda chipowa! Miłośniczka Tesli wszczepiła chip RFID z karty samochodowej do ramienia.
Elon Musk's Starlink project in service of the beast system.
Revelation chapter 13 - my interpretation.
While almost no one has a problem with the end of this chapter, the whole thing does, and I had for quite some time.
I present to you for the first time my current understanding of the thirteenth chapter of the apocalypse, the book of John's Revelation.
Po kolei …
Why is it so interesting to change the name of Kazakhstan's capital?
I was wandering around ont today and this news caught my attention:
“Dziś rano, podczas uroczystego zaprzysiężenia, p.o. prezydenta Kazachstanu zaproponował zmianę nazwy stolicy. Parlament podjął już odpowiednią decyzję – odtąd stolica będzie się nazywać na cześć byłego prezydenta Nursułtana …
The false prophet - Francis - met with LGBT Catholics in Rome.
World government has existed for 7 years. Evidence for unbelievers. Part II.
In the first part, I wrote about the basics of world government by posting a video with a quote from commercial TV that said explicitly about world government.
Part II.
I myself have written many times about the UAE's significant role in modern technology. I will mention a few: