Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zionist pro-Ukrainian pastors have formed an alliance for Ukraine.

Only hoppers in the faith trust that Protestants are apolitical.

When you are interested in politics, you want to know the truth too much they tell you "don't be interested in politics - it's the world".

I personally heard such words from a church elder who was a communist.

But as the end times before the coming of Jesus clarify, Protestants are revealing the cards.

These cards, by the way, were visible in the form of the marriage of the Evangelical Alliance with Rome, but who among the faithful would care about that. It is important that one can attend mass in a Pentecostal or Batista church. It is important that you can feel comfortable among other believers, but there are various groups in the Catholic Church as well.




Pastor Paweł Chojecki

Pastor Radosław Kopeć
Pastor Pawel Machala
Pastor Michał Fałek

New Covenant Church in Lublin

Pastor Henryk Skrzypkowski
Baptist Church in Chelm

Pastor Ireneusz Dawidowicz
Salvation Way" Baptist Church in Poland

Pastor Andrey Hlopkov
Grace of Christ Church of God in Kraków
Pastor Oleksandr Moroz
Ukrainian Baptist Church in Warsaw
Joe Losiak
American missionary of Polish origin, Campus Crusade for Christ, co-founder of the Rev. F. Blachnicki's Oasis Movement
I recently learned that Polynesian Protestantism actually came from Ukraine....
In fact, the 2010 figures show that the total number of Protestants in Ukraine was over a million believers, which is 2.4% of Ukrainian society, when in Poland it is 0.38%.
Polish Protestantism is pro-Ukrainian, pro-Israel.
These puzzles have been coming together for me for weeks now.
It started with supporting Ukraine.
Pastor Majdylo:

Pastor Olechnowicz:


Pastor Krzywodajć.


Then a few weeks ago I came across a very interesting lead that adds a lot to the understanding of the pseudo-Protestant conspiracy.


The starting point is a Eurasian organization called "Mission Eurasia.


Appreciate this clue of mine and do not take lightly what I present to you, for none of the demonesses will reveal it to you.


I had to dig through many pages and links to get to this.



"Eurasia Mission Training, equips and mobilizes national Christian leaders throughout Eurasia and Israel, who are committed to evangelism, church planting, holistic ministry and church growth to transform their countries for Christ."


Pastors, then, are not chosen by anointing but by leadership training, which sounds like it comes from the instruction of MLM-type companies.

The president (an interesting Christian position) is Sergey Rakuba, a native of Ukraine.



Chojecki et al.


Pawel Chojecki as I have mentioned many times is openly pro-Israel.

The Baptist pastor of Koszalin Bilinski is also pro-Ukrainian and his wife is very much involved in the Ukrainian issue.


The pastor of another, larger church in Koszalin and his wife are of Ukrainian descent.

After all, we are no xenophobes, but we need to know who rules us and possibly warn naive Brothers and Sisters.


A very important figure in all of this is a certain Joe Losiak who works with Chojecki:


A well-known ecumenist and... friend of Father Blachnicki, who founded the Oasis movement in Poland.


Below, Blachnicki with Pope Wojtyla (Katz).


Joe Losiak promotes RP of both nations.


Łosiak is the leader of Mission Poland.



It is worth mentioning that Oleksandr Turchynov a well-known Ukrainian politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine and another person in Yulia Tymoshenko's Bloc is a Baptist pastor. He led the nationalist People's Front party, which was supported by Zelenski's sponsor Ihor Kolomyisky


One of the oligarch's most important weapons is also the media empire 1+1 Media. The main asset is one of the most popular TV channels "1+1" which is used to lobby Kolomoisky's political and business interests. Support of various political parties should also be considered as investments. For the oligarch, ideology never mattered, only his own current interests. That is why the businessman supported Viktor Yushchenko's Our Ukraine, Party of Regions, Svoboda, which had anti-Semitic episodes, Nationalist Right Sector, The Popular Front, Self-Help, the Radical Party of Oleh Lashko and many other parties. Always skillfully and situationally using these forces in their interests. The latest and most successful political project so far involving Kolomoisky is, of course, Servant of the Nation.



As you can see the Khazars are on all sides. Even on the side of the anti-Semites. People are supposed to have the illusion of choice, and they will do their thing anyway.

They minister the Word of God, teach about non-politics, and do politics themselves.

Thus the naive sheep are indoctrinated and the beast system is built.

They talk about God like the Pharisees, they quote Jesus, and even sometimes their sermons are edifying, but it flows from rhetoric and not from the Spirit, for the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Truth.

They are not living in the truth.


Khazaria has everything under control, including the Protestant churches. Otherwise they wouldn't have been able to carry out PLANdemi, which was supported by a self-proclaimed pastor from Lublin and opposed by a self-proclaimed pastor from Bielsk. Just so you think you have a choice.


Updated: 11 May 2022 — 18:55

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  1. All Protestant churches are a judicial part of Babylon the great

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