Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

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Israel's largest ever military exercise titled "Chariots of Fire".


The IDF began the largest exercise in its history on Sunday. Thousands of soldiers and reservists will take part in the exercise, dubbed "Chariots of Fire," including air force, navy, and regular and reserve forces.

The four-week exercise will simulate a multi-front and multi-dimensional war against Israel's enemies in the air, at sea, on land and on the cyber front. "There will not be a unit that will not participate in this exercise," IDF spokesman Brig. Gen. Ran Kohav said.

The purpose of the exercise is to improve the readiness of the entire military and to test the ability of troops to conduct a massive and sustained campaign against enemy forces. It will also expose logistical and firepower problems that soldiers may face in war.

The exercise aims to improve cooperation between the IDF, government ministries, security organizations and civilian bodies, including their ability to move from a routine to a full emergency scenario with many areas that are constantly evolving.

A "cabinet" was also created to simulate the political level that would be an active partner in decision making during wartime.

The exercise will also include the implementation of the IDF's concept of victory, which emphasizes achieving operational objectives in a fast-paced environment, with attack, defense and multidimensional maneuvering.


I think we are getting ready for a war that has been awaited for months or even years. Depends on how you look at it.

Two weeks ago, President Ebrahim Raisi said during a military parade on Monday that Iran's armed forces targeting the "heart" of Israel, if he makes the "slightest move" against the Islamic Republic.


A world war scenario might thus be as follows: Israel starts a war with Iran within a few months, and in a moment or at about the same time NATO starts a war with Russia. It was for this purpose, among others, that the war in Ukraine broke out.

This summer can be hot or DARK WINTER.,nId,5967917#utm_source=paste&utm_medium=paste&utm_campaign=chrome

Updated: 10 May 2022 — 06:27

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