Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Pray that we will be delivered from perverse and evil people because faith is not everyone's thing.

I had a dream a few days ago. I dreamed of a snake or a viper. I don't remember exactly. I unwisely touched or squeezed this viper and then a second viper came out of it.

I thought it was a regular dream, and I don't often have dreams from God, but a day passed and I received a quote from God that I didn't remember, but generally told me to stay away from bad people.

Then yesterday morning I received word again, and this time I decided not only to remember where it was written, but to write the text.


Pray also that we will be delivered from perverse and wicked people, because faith is not everyone's thing. 2 Thess 3:2



Today I found out that a certain person whom I have been helping in various ways, I have been on the call and evangelized this person who is stuck in new age and qanon theories slandered me and talked down to me....

A blow? Not necessarily. National average. I will continue to pray for this person to turn from the wrong path.

However, we must understand that because of the ungodliness of the people there are 4 horsemen. The reckoning for their godlessness is coming.

People in truth have hardened hearts and think they will protect themselves from the coming evil, but they will not. They will not protect themselves.

Faith is not everyone's thing. Everyone can have new life, but not everyone wants to live by the Word.




Personally, I'm glad about this because one: God has instructed and warned me about this person; two: He has shown me that my potentially evangelizing such a person is casting pearls....because faith is not everyone's thing.


Praise God in Jesus' name.


Those who refuse to obey the Word will be subject to God's judgment.


If anyone does not love God, let the Most High judge him! Maranatha . 1 Corinthians 16.


There is another lesson from this. Well, all Bible study groups should pray for their purification and release from perverse and evil people.


Not every believer has good intentions and God shows us that, but we need to put Scripture into practice.

Once again great Praise to God for His Word.




Updated: 8 May 2022 — 21:36


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  1. Was there anything about me?

      1. Bo chyba jestem jak Saul, iż Bóg nie daje mi odpowiedzi ani przez sen ani przez Słowo. Miałem kiedyś sny ale już nic mi się nie śni w ogóle. Tzw czarna dziura czyli nic.

        1. chyba nie czytasz Słowa Michale?
          Bez przesady, do każdego inaczej Bóg mówi.
          Proś o prowadzenie

  2. I read the Word and I listen. Dear Peter.

  3. I had a dream where kids from Ukr... were throwing grenades and fighting and I was driving in the car and watched one boy get blown up....

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