Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Satanic Temple wants to mark its territory in Boston by placing its flag over City Hall.



The Satanist Temple is asking to fly a flag over Boston City Hall after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled this week that the city violated the free speech rights of a conservative activist who wants to fly a Christian flag in front of a downtown building.

According to Yahoo News, the Salem-based group tweeted a request filed Tuesday with the city's property management department to raise a flag with the words "Satanic Gratitude Week" July 23-29.

Mayor Michelle Wu's office declined to comment on the group's request, other than to say it is reviewing the high court's decision while evaluating its flag-raising program.




Lucien Greaves, a co-founder of the organization, said in an email Wednesday that the group wants to show that religious freedom must mean respect for "all forms" of religious practice and opinion.

"When government officials are able to impose arbitrary restrictions on claims of conscience or limit the civil ability of some based on their religious identity, we are not a free, democratic republic," he wrote in part.


Greaves said the organization has not decided which of its official flags it will ask the city to hang, but one likely option reflects the American flag, only with black and white stripes and an emblem of a pentagram and a goat skull where 50 would be stars.

The court found that the flying of flags was a public forum, and because many other groups could raise flags to celebrate the Boston community, the city could not discriminate based on the viewpoint of a religious group without violating the Constitution.

"We conclude that, on balance, Boston has not made the raising and flying of private groups' flags a form of government speech," Justice Stephen Breyer wrote. The Satanic Temple, according to its Twitter account, was founded in 2013 and is the only federally recognized international (non-theistic) satanic religious organization.



One would be wrong to think that this is just a bunch of nutcases murdering cats alive.

Satanist leader Lucien Greaves studied neurology with a specialty in false memory syndrome and attended Harvard University.


The influential satanists are politicians, doctors, lawyers, businessmen. Only the rank (minnows) members of the church of Satan draw pentagrams in old buildings and hold black masses.

The photo at the very top is from the Satanic Temple in Colombia. It bears no resemblance to


However, the face of the man nicknamed  Lucien Greaves already says a lot. In some apocalyptic analyses, the antichrist is supposed to be a man with one eye.

He is generally a symbol of the people of sin, and so far his diseased eye does not make him the antichrist.

In contrast, the hallmark of hidden satanists is the sign of the veiled eye.





Jared Leto.


Anyone who takes such news lightly is simply, or perhaps remarkably, ignorant.


Pandemic COVID March 11, 2020 was recognized by World Health Organization (WHO) for a pandemic.


Earlier, Satanists marched outside the Capitol on March 6.

They knew that plandism was from their master, but not Protestantism.



I wrote about it:


Mankind cannot recognize evil, just as an evil cashier cannot recognize a counterfeit bill. This is because they are deceived about salvation. They trust in people and those people are driving them into hell. Of course, not getting stabbed is not a gateway to heaven, but a test not only of intelligence, but for believers a test of love for truth and vigilance against evil, and partly of sanctification.

You can be fooled one time by a scammer trading in accident cars with the odometer twisted, but not for a year or two with a whole lot of ridiculousness.


Satanists want to mark their territory. Christianity is there but mostly the nominal kind.

You, dear reader, must answer the following question: if satanism exists and wants to function in state institutions, are YOU saved from the death of the other? How are you different from satanists when their chief motto is "do what you want". Do what you will is otherwise freedom of will in relation to God.

We pray like this:


Our Father,
who art in heaven:
hallowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdom come,
Thy will be done as it is in heaven,
so on earth.



However, their will is not really their will, but the will of Satan.


This action in Boston is marking the territory just as dogs mark their territory.

If you want God's will to be done in your city, in your children's school, then you should pray about it and entrust God to the area and evangelize the people in the area.

We are entering really bad times. Prayer will soon be the ONLY fight....


Decide what side you want to stand on. There is no room for a middle ground here. If you are not on Jesus' side, you are against Him.



Updated: 6 May 2022 — 21:06


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  1. It is true that whoever is not with Jesus is against him. This planet, whose God is Satan, is headed for inevitable destruction.

  2. I am blown away by people who say things like, "Where is this God of yours, if he existed he would allow what is happening in the world? That children are crying, people are suffering. There is no God."
    These people have not even made an effort to learn the word of God.
    What promises Jesus gave. He said clearly "My kingdom is not of this world".
    However, what can be expected from people, if they listen to television and authorities (the vaccine issue has clearly shown this)

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