Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The Russians believe that the Polish army wants to enter Ukraine.


"Sergei Naryshkin, head of the SWR, said that Poland, in agreement with the US, is preparing an operation to enter western Ukraine. According to the Russian government news agency RIA Novosti, this is a scenario that threatens Russia's use of nuclear weapons."


What is happening on each side of the conflict exposes only and as much as the godlessness of those sides.

The Polish parliament supporting Ukraine is godless, Ukraine with Zelenski and the Russian government.


Somewhere upstairs someone is pulling the strings with politicians who are mere pets. But a whole lot of uninitiated politicians (I don't know how many of them there are) give in to their emotions and don't care about God's law.

Their hubris-filled decisions will result, and in Ukraine are already resulting, in the deaths of mostly men, fathers, husbands, crying, poverty and many other collateral consequences.


What matters is your own ego and toeing the party line.

Look, there is not a single politician who cares about the Poles, about the people simply.

There is not a politician in parliament who will say STOP our presence in the war. This is not our war.



Is that what they want?

I know that many people say that we have an infrastructure and they will not destroy it, so there will be no war on Polish territory.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Just look at this theater in Ukraine. Ukraine is still pulling gas from Russia, bridges are whole, water pipes are whole, power grids are whole.

If there is a war in Poland it will probably bypass what is important to them, but people will die.

Just who would care from these mindless politicians.


I think that if Poland gets even more involved in this war, and everything indicates that it does, we should expect some kind of bomb near Warsaw just for show to create a psychosis of fear. Such a mini Hiroshima will give a mandate to the Masonic power to introduce more totalitarian laws and limit civic freedom.


Catholicism is a religion of appearances. It is a pagan religion. If it were otherwise the church would thunder against what the Catholic PIS government is doing.

Catholicism with the Jesuits is behind all the wars in the world and Biden just like Macron.

The current president of the corporation known as USA studied at the Catholic Archmere Academy.




Anyone who supports Catholicism supports war, poverty, and the collapse of society.

Just look at countries like Mexico, Spain, Argentina, Poland, Slovakia.

Countries where the Word of God once flourished are more civilized countries where life is not only more prosperous but also more wise.


Here is a Mexican Catholic Mary with a crown on her head:



Now the Polish Mary (rather a creature impersonating Mary) supports the war and will most likely lead to it.


Therefore, the beliefs and values of Catholic anti-systemicists are naive and not very wise.

Braun is a supporter of the world oppressing Jesuits:



People have no sanctification in them and therefore they have one foot with Catholicism or ecumenical Protestantism and one foot with the anti-system.

What wonder that Catholics are not sanctified when I am read by Protestants who reject the Decalogue. Theoretically, they should not, because these are two poles. But this lack of sanctification causes such hypocrisy, religious schizophrenia.

I'll read some Detective, but I'm rejecting Decalogue because it's unbearable.

Why do I have a range there? Well, because I sanctify (separate) myself in my values. I don't enter either Catholic or Protestant sites, e.g. Pastor from Bielsko or Chojecki.

The exception is when links are sent to me when someone suggests a tour.

If I wrote heresy, no Bible believer should read me.


Below, the leader of the worldwide Evangelical Alliance, to which the main Protestant denominations in Poland belong (



The entire Old Testament taught to look at the value system in black and white. The pure - the impure, God's people - the Gentiles. Salvation - death.


Catholicism and false, Zionist, Khazarian Protestantism are a dilution of Biblical values.


Ordinary members

  • The Salvation Army
  • New Wave Christian Center
  • Christian Center "The Lord is the Banner"
  • The Church of God in Christ
  • Church of God in Poland
  • The Church of Christ in Poland
  • Baptist Church in Poland (from 2007)
  • Evangelical Christian Church in Poland
  • The "Christ for All" Church
  • Glory Church (until 2013 Christian Reformed Church)
  • Church of the Good Shepherd
  • Church of Jesus Christ "Zion" in Rzeszow
  • Pentecostal Church in Poland
  • Ursynów Evangelical Community
  • Wrocław for Jesus

Associate members

  • CCI - Poland
  • De'Ignis" Christian Foundation - Poland
  • Life and Mission Christian Foundation
  • Christian Academic Association
  • Children's Christian Aid Society "Mission of Hope"
  • Voice of the Gospel Foundation
  • Youth for Christ - Poland Foundation
  • PROeM" Foundation
  • Christian Foundation "OWRze"
  • Christian Radio Foundation
  • The Mission of Generations
  • New Life Movement
  • Scripture Union
  • Child Evangelization Community
  • Association "Wave"



In the years 200-2006 the president of the Alliance was pastor Henryk Rother-Sacewicz ecumenical activist.

Below, Baptists with Rome:


President of Evangelical Faith Baptist Church Jeziernicki at Ecumenical School



What do you think? Why was the plandemic and Ukrainianization of Poland successful?

Because Catholicism and its daughter Protestantism supported this rhetoric, and some pastors (a handful) who denied the pandemic now support pro-Ukrainian rhetoric because they are from the beast system.


If the war breaks out they will be safe, but the people who oppose the Khazarian beast system will not.....


Updated: 29 April 2022 — 09:13

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