Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Jesus has not one name.


I received this photo from several people oto....


Cool pictures with the words Jesus this, Jesus that, posted on social media authorize the author, but Jesus has not one name.


An iconic scene from the movie Enter the Dragon:



Ohara breaks the board before the fight. To which Bruce Lee replies "the board doesn't quit".


You can post corny memes, but it's life that verifies whether someone is living a life of separation from this world and putting the teachings of the book of Proverbs into practice, or just living a self-image in the context of the Bible and Jesus.


A board does not give back, and a meme does not make a follower of Jesus.

All of Protestantism believes in Jesus, and supports the lying rhetoric of war theater.


Continuing the movie thread. The band Depeche Mode recorded a song and video called Personal Jesus.

Yes, many have a personal Jesus. Catholics believe that the second commandment from the Torah does not apply and Protestants believe that one is spiritual.


So the best way to confront Ohara's plank is to enter into a confrontation with the system of the beast Jesus called "the world."



(30) I will not speak to you much longer; for he goes leader of this worldbut he has nothing in me;
(John 14:30)
(18) If the world hates youknow that he started hating me sooner than he started hating you.
(19) If you were of the world, the world would love its property; but because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.
(John 15:19)
Are you loved by the world? Or are you banging the board in front of the world?
But the board does not give back.


Updated: 29 April 2022 — 09:45

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