Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

War 3 is getting closer and closer. May 9?


The head of the United Nations warns of World War 3, and one might think that this is just to scare people. Are you sure? Yes, whether that war will be on our soil or not, it is theater. Without a doubt. However, I would like to remind you what was in February 2022 before the attack on 24 February:





This is what happened.

It is not just the UN chief's statement that points to an impending war.

The Russian state station Rossiya 1 discussed the current situation in Ukraine. They collectively agreed that a nuclear conflict was likely, but that Russians shouldn't worry, because when they die... they will certainly go to heaven. commented on it as propaganda, but Russia is actually in a race with Ukraine to see who will make more propaganda.


Lastly. Someone slipped me a date for the outbreak of the World War on May 9, or maybe I wrote about it myself and got confused.

Now look:



Maybe yes, maybe no. I do know that the Khazars take extraordinary joy in not only scaring but informing us of what they will do. That's not what illuminati fairy tales, music videos, sci-fi movies and the Simpsons are for.


Let us pray for one another.

Have a great May Day.

For those celebrating Shabbat:


Be wise sheep and rest on the Sabbath 馃檪

God's thoughts and peaceful rest.





Updated: 29 April 2022 — 22:05


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  1. Piotr Politowicz

    The unvaccinated must be sent to the army. And there, behind the walls, will be the appropriate procedures.

  2. Exercises that are to begin tomorrow are probably a cover, pis probably with the americans ordered the entry of the Polish army to ukraine and thus the beginning of World War 3

  3. And I remember many people saying that WW3 will start from the Middle East, well who knows if it won't, but we'll see, there are a lot of trouble spots in the world. And one of them is the expanding nato, I don't take any sides, but I observe that the satans united with one hand show that there will be no intervention in Ukraine, and with the other under cover they push and not only Poland but also the Baltic countries, Romania to provocation, God forbid nuclear 馃し馃徎鈾傦笍. Well.....let's pray for each other And hope in the Lord Jesus. Praise God for you Peter, Praise God for thinking and watchful brothers and sisters.

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