Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The anti-Polish parliament approved the law on the general duty to defend the homeland for WOMEN in case of war.

Well, it will fall the punishment on all those women who voted for PIS, PO, sld.

Już nie powiedzą „polityka mnie nie interesuje”.


Welcome to the land of the Queen of Heaven.



I found out about this disgraceful bill a few weeks ago, but due to the fact that and it was the holiday season and I had taken on some evangelistic task I put the matter aside until today when several people started sending me the same message.


I looked up the Homeland Defense Act of March 11, 2022, but it is so ambiguously written that I wasn't sure if it should be understood as my readers feared.

In the screengrab above you can see part of the GW article that confirms this understanding.



On Saturday, the Homeland Defense Act came into force, raising concerns among Polish women that in the event of war, they will not be able to leave the country, like Ukrainian women fleeing bombs. - The government restricts our reproductive rights, but declares equality in the event of war, women protest.

Since there is a war in Ukraine, Marta doesn't feel safe. So she started to monitor Polish defense capabilities as the government prepares our country for the worst case scenario. That's how she found the content of the Act on Homeland Defense, which came into force on Saturday (23.04). I asked a fellow lawyer opinion; and ofon affirmed; in the event of war, childless women are to serve the homeland just as much as men.



I have the impression that this law was hastily created for the upcoming war.

If anyone thinks that I am intentionally or unintentionally scaring people with such information, then let them IMMEDIATELY LEAVE THE BLOG and continue to live in a blissful angelic heavenly state.

Please kindly don't force me to change my blog profile because it has been the same for a decade and won't change!!!


Living on Earth I will describe in my group what women should do in this situation.

Was the local Election seeking sensationalism by stretching interpretations? NO.


The reliable INFOR portal reports:


Who is required to appear for military qualification in 2022? - Are women also affected?


As stated in the regulation, obligation to appear for military qualification concerns:
- Men born in 2003 (the so-called base yearbook),
- males born between 1998 and 2002 who do not yet have a specific category of fitness for active military service (known as senior vintages),
- individuals (men and women) born in 2001-2002, who have been recognized by county medical commissions as temporarily unfit for active military service due to health reasons (fitness category B), if the period of such unfitness expires before the end of military qualification,
- individuals (men and women) born between 2001 and 2002, who have been recognized by district medical commissions as temporarily unfit for active military duty due to health reasons (fitness category B), if the period of such unfitness expires after the end of military qualification and they have applied for a change of their fitness category for active military duty before the end of military qualification.



Here it refers to military qualification, but not to appointment in case of war.



It should be clearly stated that this parliament is anti-Polish, but my voice is the voice of one crying in the wilderness, and pastors will not tell you what I say. Their sensitivity begins and ends with helping those already knocked down by the system, not with TRUTH AND PROTECTION FROM EVIL.

Just as the Catholic church cares about single women, the Zionist pastors care about creating poverty and suffering so they can preach only right doctrines. Just which denomination has them? Which one has the patent on knowing Jesus?

Pentecostals or Baptists? Or Adventists? Or the ultra-Zionist Salvation Army?

The doctor cares about the patient, the mechanic cares about the faulty car, and the Zionist pastors care about the mentally battered people.

Who cares if families will be shattered.

In wartime, there are no rules. Women in the military may betray men or die. Satan's targets are always family.



I deplore terribly the thoughtlessness of the nation. It pains me very much. I'm socially sensitive and I can't understand this passivity, the media's deception, ignorance, etc.


Humanity is drunk with the wine of Babylon.

Alcohol is not the only thing that is dangerous. Most pastors either don't drink it at all or drink small amounts and rarely. Babylon's drunkenness is about being intoxicated with the spirit of the world, the spirit of the beast system.


Forward this link to others, as google is banning me in the search engine as well. Not just on YT, not just KhazarBook.

People must realize that they are being deceived, that Poles can be killed. Spiritually they are already dead, but they still need to be physically killed.


I wonder what these lovers of the yellow and blue flag will say when there is a false flag in Poland or a real attack by Russia and all hell breaks loose?

Oh I was wrong, I was wrong. Not me one, not me one. Gosh what will happen to the family now?

What matters is that they think like TVN, PIS, PO, and other CHANNELS carrying evil.


Women have come to believe the lies of the Khazarian leftist ideology that they can be liberated and masculine. So they will be.

The result? Despair.


But even now there is still a chance to be transformed, to be converted, to come to Jesus the Word of God.


 women - in modestly ornamented clothing, let them adorn themselves with shame and moderation, not with exaggerated braided hair or gold or pearls or expensive clothes, (10) but by good deedsand, befitting a woman who professes to be devout. (11) Let the woman learn in quietness with all submission. (12) But I do not permit a woman to teach, nor to preside over her husband, but [I want her to] abide in quietness.



Dear ladies, are you tuning into good works?

Do you study in silence, or do you sometimes argue about doctrines?

These words are addressed to believing women.

Incidentally, Paul the apostle showed what the role of women is, that they cannot teach, but the Pentecostal church does not mind a woman leading the way in the church.


(3) Similarly older women should be as modest as possible in their outward appearance; they should avoid gossip and slander, not to get drunk with wine, and to teach others good. (4) Let them instruct young women how to love their husbands, their children, (5) how they are to be reasonable, pure, economical, good, subject to their husbands - that they may not blaspheme the word of God. Titus


On the Internet, some of these older women are not instructing the young on how to be good wives, but are engaged in gossip and fighting on Bible study groups with men.

Are you fighting with your husbands or other men instead of supporting them? Ok, then the system will give you the opportunity to fight back.



I feel that 99% of the public is completely ignorant of what is going on and so this ignorance will come back to them as a bill of goods for not loving the truth, yet that truth lies on the ground, or rather on the internet.


By the way, I'm curious what the provisions of the homeland defense laws are in other Khazar EU countries.



There was a sad theme at the London Olympics where nurses were caring for masses of lonely children.


People, wake up!

The world is ruled by individuals opposed to God who want to destroy you.

Come to Jesus, repent from evil deeds, hurting people and God. If you do this you will inherit eternal life without disease, wars, Khazaria, false priests of Jesus etc.


(4) And he shall wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more henceforth. There shall be no more mourning, no more crying, no more toil; for the first things have passed away.
(Revelation 21:4)

Oh, and one more thing. We live in a Catholic country. Surely Mary (the being behind Mary) will save you....


Updated: 28 April 2022 — 10:59


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  1. What's wrong with that? Should it be the same as in Ukraine? All men aged 18-60 should die because some Jew said so? And the women run away and even if their husbands die, they find a new boyfriend and continue to live a normal life?

    Either let everyone fight or let it be voluntary, who wants to fight, who doesn't then let him not fight. If men have to fight, let women fight too.

    Justice still exists as you can see.

  2. I will not fight. I will refuse military service even if they were to kill me because of it. This is not my war. I will not kill a man. I will not shoot, I will not follow the mindless orders of ridiculous generals or who knows who. Their war, let them fight it.
    I would sooner die than stand in a branch of the army.

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