Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In Belgium, they set limits on 5G deployment due to health concerns.

It's interesting that the country where the communist EU is based sets limits on 5G deployment.



In one of the three equivalent Polish provinces in the region, the Walloon authorities have determined that, based on the recommendations of an expert panel, the limit on emissions from radio masts using 900 MHz frequencies will be set at 9.2 volts per meter per operator, up to twice that, or 18.4 volts/m , if multiple operators use the same site. Since using a common mast is typical for 5G in most places, the latter figure is the most important here.


"This limit allows for a reduction in the actual and cumulative exposure of citizens to radio waves" the government said in a statement.


If there is talk of limiting the actual and cumulative exposure of citizens to radio waves, it means that the filmmakers are right after all....

However, in times when there are fewer thinkers, the thoughtless give pejorative nicknames to thinkers such as: foil-maker, flat-earther, and slacker.

Yes, it is true that stupid are those of the thinking who argue with people who are TV hiccups.


Interestingly, the new limit in Wallonia is an alignment with the Flemish region, where the EU is based.

Are politicians only looking out for themselves as usual, or is this the result of the struggle of the radiation-conscious people of 5G?

After all, Belgium thus becomes the country with the most stringent 5G regulations after all.



"By comparison, this limit corresponds to one twentieth of the limit recommended and applied in the vast majority of European countries," the government said. "The level of environmental and health protection would therefore remain very high, but would nevertheless enable the development of 5G."


Compromise as scarce in Polina....

You can't stop all this, but you can fight to expand the cells they are building for us with the consent of unthinking and mostly leftist and therefore godless people, for whom we should pray in principle.


In Poland telecommunication free americana and in Belgium caution.


Telenet launched its first 5G service in December, again with strict coverage and availability limits


All telecom companies will participate in the country's upcoming multi-band spectrum auction to be held in June, in which the regulator will transfer 2G and 3G licenses, as well as sell 5G bandwidth.


In addition to setting an emissions standard, the Walloon government has made a number of commitments related to 5G security. It includes continuous monitoring of exposure levels of the general public and a 10-year study to examine the impact of mobile masts on people and the environment. It also provides the opportunity for individual municipalities in the five Walloon provinces to request controls on RF exposure.


Now look at who is fighting to keep the children of Poles from being exposed to radiation? Are pastors doing it? Have they received wisdom from God and are they engaging socially in the name of caring for society? Is 5G not affecting the temple of the Spirit?

Shouldn't believers shine with wisdom rather than radiation?

Today's faith is limited to rosary circles when more and more people get cancer. But it is always better (ironically) to pray for healing than to do prophylactics by making the faithful aware. With collective prayer there is a sense of integrity, but with awareness-raising this emotional aspect is absent.

How incredible is this Zionist Protestantism. Hence "as many as" 0.38% evangelicals in Poland. Acting with no....might.

I'm not talking about not going out into the field, because it's too hard for Protestants to save people. I'm talking about raising awareness within the church.

It is even "better" in the Church of Rome. Roman Catholicism, however, is a state of mind. It is a production of hypocrisy.



Churches are cashing in on 5G masts.

I love people and would like to help and warn everyone, but few want to. People like to live lies, and so I am left to separate myself from them as unclean.

I want them to have a good life, to be aware, but they don't want that.






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Updated: 26 April 2022 — 08:26

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