Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Italy is the first in the EU to introduce a communist social credit system.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a point to this blog. This is probably the second time I've written this in a few months.

People were as foolish as they still are.

There is no increment of the awakened. I don't even salute being born again in Jesus, but simply seeing the coming neo-communism and dystopia straight out of science fictiom movies.


Italy has announced the introduction of a new program based on rewards, which aims to change people's behavior. It has to do with "climate change" by awarding points based on their compliance.

This is the first program of its kind in the EU.

The capital of the two mafias (Vatican and Sicilian) will begin implementing the program as early as the fall of 2022 in the large metropolitan city of Bologna.

According to local newspaper Bologna Today, citizens who adhere to a radical climate change agenda by demonstrating "good behavior." such as recycling properly or using public transportation, will be rewarded with cryptocurrency and discounts at local merchants . Registrants will receive a "smart citizen wallet" where they can access their rewards. The higher the score, correlated with good behavioral changes, will allow them to access more benefits.


" Isn't there a fear of invasion of privacy in all this? "The interested citizen," Bugani specifies, "must, of course, state his availability, through the application, and no one will be forced to participate in the reward mechanism. However, I believe that many will join." In the meantime, as far as "little digital" is concerned, a permanent table with different associations will be opened from April 6 to fill the gap for people over 65".



There is a stick and there is a carrot.

Behavioral psychology and the training of citizens comes to mind.

You obey, you get cryptocurrencies.

Ride public transportation and not your car (yet), get discounts at local stores.

For now it is voluntary, but in time nations squeezed by the crisis will be coerced.


The key in all this tyranny is blind obedience to the Khazar occupation. That's how it is in North Korea, China and that's how it was during the plandemic and that's how it is with the Russian-Ukrainian theater.

Thoughtless obedience to people of questionable morals, the ungodly causes one to give oneself into the hands of Satan.

God respects human will and allows such choices, but someday humanity will wake up in something a la Cyber Punk....



Now e-wallet and social credit system and tomorrow electronic tattoo as the mark of the beast.

People are choosing this fate for themselves. There is less and less to talk to....

Praise Jesus.




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Thank you very much




Updated: 25 April 2022 — 15:08


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  1. "People are choosing this fate for themselves. There is less and less to talk to...."

    For some time now I've been noticing a lack of people to talk to on such topics. One time I said that "they have probably found out what the mark of the beast will be" (here about Biotech, where they checked what places on the body generate the most heat and where to put a tattoo that will have an identification number consisting of 3 numbers of 6 digits). I felt for a moment as if I had "matrix" damaged.

    In any case, we can only pray and praise the Lord Jesus Christ, because I have the impression that we are past the period of making people aware who do not want to seek the truth themselves.

  2. Cyberpunk is a pretty mediocre game, but it had a huge publicity.
    In the game we have Keeanu Reeves' character and Elon Musk's ex-partner. A Satanist fascinated with transhumanism. Reeves once said that The Matrix was in fact a documentary film.
    For me, Cyberpunk is about the world they are preparing for us in the near future.

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