Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zbigniew Halat has died. Did he die or was he murdered?

The info was fresh in my mind, although I waited until the last minute to get it to the media, because things can happen in different ways and one can unknowingly commit a zong by someone, for example, a stupid joke or a desire to ridicule freedom circles in general.



The profile of Zbigniew Halat probably does not need to be introduced to anyone, because he was a flagship figure of the opponents of the compulsion to stab with an untested and untested elixir.


As of now, the cause of death is unknown, but let me give you the extremely important facts that have taken place over the past decades.

Zbigniew Halat was Deputy Minister of Health and Chief Sanitary Inspector (1991-1993), which, while exposing the lies of the planned demons, was of considerable importance both for the people he convinced and for the beast system (the Khazarian system from Revelation).


To understand, what could have happened to him I will show you how this Khazarian system works against those who proclaim the truth.


First, still focusing on the person of Halat, when I typed into google: "Zbigniew Halat" appeared to me in recent days on the front page these are the results:



Just yesterday morning it was one of the first results. Not the texts about the harm of vaccines, not the article about the doctors' conference featuring Halat, but slander.

Interestingly it was posted by medonet, a portal supposedly dealing with medicine. Here it has become Gossip, Poodle or some other rag in God's eyes.


This opposition was attributed to a kind of perversion in order to ridicule and denigrate him, and Halat wrote about the biology of young women in the context of morality.

Even if there was something wrong with him according to extremely "moral" and "holy" medonet journalists, it still doesn't invalidate the truth he proclaimed. But google, cooperating for the lie, positioned the slanderous text on the first page.



The Khazarian system is a system of lies. It is a combination of the media and corporations and the state.

It is highly likely that Halat was concerned about the slander or someone helped him. Maybe we will soon find out what the cause of death was


However, let's move on to another person who died under strange circumstances.



Adolf Kudlinski talked about Khazars, poisoned food, refugees and protecting wolves not people. He was very popular with Halat.

A few weeks or months (I don't remember) before his death a strange and unexplained incident took place. If I remember correctly, near Suchedniów a few men came up to him unexpectedly and gassed him with an unknown substance. After some time he died. Maybe chemistry or maybe stress killed Kudlinski. They don't always kill with a gun.



August 5, 2011 was found dead in the Samoobrona party office in Warsaw Andrew Lepper. It was a time when a serial suicide was roaming around Poland.

Lepper having a large audience has said far too much before:


Lepper showed how in taxes the Polish people are being robbed by PO and the Khazarian round table.

Lepper was a very strong man. He would get up early in the morning to go to the pool, he practiced boxing and officially it is said that he committed suicide.....


Moving on.

Dariusz Ratajczak. It was through him that I learned about the Khazars about 12 years ago.

On 11 June 2010 his body was found in a parked car near Karolinka Shopping Center in Opole.

What was the cause of death?

An autopsy revealed that he died as a result of alcohol poisoning....

In a car poisoned with alcohol in front of the Mall...

They couldn't have come up with a more naive story. At least they could have driven him home...


". In 1999, after the release of Dangerous topicsSuspended and then expelled from the University of Opole and forbidden to work as a teacher for 3 years, he took a job as a night watchman in one of Opole's companies" Wikipedia.

At the same time, he was prosecuted for violating Article 55 of the Law on the Institute of National Remembrance. He was charged with the so-called "Auschwitz Lie" (he denied killing Jews in the gas chambers at Auschwitz). On 11 December 2001, the court found him guilty, but waived punishment due to "a negligible degree of social harm of the act" and conditionally remitted the proceedings for one year" wikipedia.


Here is his article on the Khazars:




Universities, media, medicine are against Poles. Of course not all, but there is a certain caste of equal and more equal.


30 years ago, the whistleblower of the most famous FOZZ scandal died in mysterious circumstances:


In mid-July 1991. Falzmann requested information from the National Bank of Poland about financial transactions in FOZZ accounts. On the same day, he was removed from FOZZ casesand a few days later he died suddenly of a heart attack. This is still very much in doubt today.


Although he was probably a Khazar, for some reason he decided to reveal the scale of the crime of the Polish political mafia.


A few months after his death - on the eve of the announcement of the report on FOZZ in the Sejm[9] - In a car accident near Piotrków Trybunalski the highest superior of M. Falzman was killed - NIK President Walerian Pańko and the Director of Information Office


Khazaria has a very rich repertoire of destroying people. From serial suicide, to offices that destroy people's lives (Roman Kluska), to slander.....


People, they need to realize that this is a Closed System.


On the other hand those who attack me, especially the "Christians" are weak people saboteurs. It's as if there are many people like me exposing the system and it's necessary to destroy the one on the front lines. They do nothing themselves but attack the combatant. What lows of morality because it's not even fake Christianity.


If there is a world war 3 obviously directed, they will liquidate the so called anti system first, but not the controlled opposition but the uncooperative ones.

Anyway.... we should not use inaccurate rhetoric. People who oppose the Khazarian system are not anti-system but opposition.


I remember offering a prayer for Zbigniew Halat and it turned out that one prayer is definitely not enough....

Too bad, because with another false wave in the fall, one less expert from the opposition....






Updated: 24 April 2022 — 10:36


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  1. Living in this world we will not know the truth, we can only guess, but thinking people know theirs.

    Mr. Halat must have been a believer, let me quote from his statement for the weekly magazine Do Rzeczy .

    "Freedom is inherent in man, it is his right. Even the Lord God gives freedom of choice to man, and therefore there is no discussion of ethical judgment here. The only question that remains is who the advocates of restricting our freedom serve. Undoubtedly, they are credited with carrying out the directives of corporate feudalism, headed by a narrow group of people with enormous financial resources. These people have the power to interfere in national politics. If a particular power resists, it can suffer severe consequences."

  2. General Petelicki also committed suicide before the Poland-Czech Republic match at Euro 2012, when the whole public opinion was alive with this event. It passed almost without an echo...

  3. The Lord God will hold them accountable for it all, He sees it all, there is not a single thing in this world that He does not see. And glory to Him for that.

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