Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

The snake venom theory turned out to be a publicity stunt and misinformation.

There was one scene in the movie with Dr. Bryan Ardis that didn't sit well with me and I ignored it. Well, when it was about the doctor's children he was shown almost crying. I thought it was acting, but excited by the supposed truth, I was fooled and gave up investigating the subject.

However, I took the film for granted because it was hanging on Andy Choinsky's channel, which now basically casts a shadow over the man.


A few days later I deleted my post with the video on Rumble.

Now that the holiday season is over I have to explain why I deleted.

Well, first I found information that Steve Peters is a disinformer and some even believe he is a Freemason.

Below, well-known "anti-system" Steve Peters:


Returning to the central person of this article, Dr. Ardis described his theory by saying:

"They use cobra venom, calling it Covid-19, you drink it, it gets into your brain stem and paralyzes your diaphragmatic breathing ability."


The doctor said that this toxin must be hiding in vaccines, drugs and/or even in the water we drink. These "truthers" are just giving credence to the idea of a new disease that requires new treatments to combat it. This is exactly what the drug companies want us to believe.


After this film, which was sent to me and posted on my blog, a few people started to ask me what do you mean, there is poison in the water? Basically, it was said there that the CDC does it, but we, knowing who the waterworks in Poland are, decided that nothing would prevent such a situation from happening in our country.


The problem is the issue of the disease itself. That famous celebrity and c-1-9 star.

Some will recognize that it doesn't exist at all, and I'm increasingly inclined toward that as I study Bechamp's biology.


In fact, it can easily be shown that current therapies have led to many unnecessary deaths. There is no new threat known as "C1/9" that is caused by a single factor. The factors leading to the symptoms of the disease that people experience are, like every year, multi-causal.


This alleged Dr. said:


You take this snake or that snake and you figure out how to isolate genes from that snake and make those genes from that snake incorporate into your God-created DNA. I think that's been the plan all along, was to incorporate the DNA of the snakes, the evil spirit, into your God-created DNA."


Look at how they use God for their purposes.

"The researchers used analysis of the protein codes preferred by the new coronavirus and compared it to protein codes from coronaviruses found in various animal hosts, such as birds, snakes, marmots, hedgehogs, manis, bats, and humans. Surprisingly enough, discovered that the protein codes in 2019-nCoV are most similar to those used in snakes."


I've been watching some videos where I'm learning a new perspective on biology, and in several of them it is claimed that  creation of the original "SARS-COV-2" genome, was computer-generated, from one patient's unpurified lung fluid material.



The sequenced material could have come from many sources, including host DNA/RNA, bacteria, and microbes/microorganisms. It could even have come from external contamination. There is no way to tell what the origin of the RNA is, or even if it was a single source, because no particles believed to be "SARS-COV-2" have ever been properly purified and isolated directly from the patient's patient fluids prior to sequencing.

The same was true of finding  "coronavirus" bats and snakes, for which compared "SARS-COV-2" sequence, including from untreated sources.

Even if it was the snake venom connection that was important, the phospholipase A2 group IIA or sPLA2-IIA enzyme on which Dr. Ardis bases most of his claims, only has similarities to rattlesnake venom. These peptides are " almost identical" with animal venoms, yet they regularly occur in healthy humans and other mammals, so it is manipulative to claim that coronavirus was from snake venom. 

Of course, spiritually speaking, all planned demonia is from the serpent.

The snake venom theory by Dr. Bryan Ardis is based on the interpretation of the unpurified, fraudulent "SARS-COV-2" genome, which is itself built on references to other fraudulent human and animal "coronavirus" genomes created in the same manner. Trying to claim any connections between the random A, C, T, G in the computer database is a useless and meaningless exercise because the RNA that was produced in the "virus" genome has never been purified, isolated and proven to physically exist in the first place. Therefore, any connections between protein codes said to belong to the "virus" said to be closely related to the supposed "coronaviruses" of snakes are immediately invalid.

Mike Stone.


So for what purpose was this snake venom theory developed?

Unfortunately, it was about $$$$...

Dr Bryan Ardis sells snake oil as antidote.....


"The doctor," Ardis, promotes according to some dangerous drugs and useless supplements.

Andy Choinski if he doesn't withdraw this film sooner or later he will be suspected like Steve Peters of controlled opposition.


For snake venom to kill, it must be injected into soft tissue or the bloodstream. Only poisons/toxins with an acid bound carrier can be used in drinking water. Snake venom will be broken down and will not affect humans unless it enters the blood through a wound/slit in the mouth or throat.


Under these circumstances, any material with Steve Peters including that where Dr. Carrie Madey appeared is suspect, and I advise us all to take an interest in germ theory in the context of Bechamp's teachings.




Updated: 21 April 2022 — 18:57


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  1. Greetings to you. Here I send you a link to a video, it talks about the connection and aganda of these people like Steve Peters, Dr. Ardis and others. With God and our King Jesus Christ

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