Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Acts of aggression among Salesians.

I already had some material collected about the conflicts at Salesian a year ago, but somehow the links and information went by the wayside.

This time I will note what happened.

Another installment of the not-new priests conflict. It turns out that this time Fr. Bielski attacked Fr. Woźnicki with a telescopic baton.

I'll admit honestly that I didn't know until now what such a baton looks like, and probably you all didn't either, and so I took a screen shot of the google results:



From website I found this description of the baton:


Telescopic batons is a type of double-edged weapon that allows strikes to be made and blocked."


Father Bielski, anointed by the Catholic Church, after his ordination, "anointed" with the Holy Spirit (not) according to the definition, used this baton on another priest.

He pulled a baton out of his pocket, unrolled it, and began to pound it right on the head reported in a YouTube video by Fr. Woznicki


"Spokesperson for the Wielkopolska Police Officer Andrzej Borowiak described to the Gazeta Wyborcza editorial board that police officers called to the scene saw Father Jacek Bielski lying on the floor, and Father Woźnicki's worshippers sitting on top of him and pouncing on him with bags."


Last year, a Salesman treated Fr. Woznicki with pepper spray.


Hired by the director of the Salesian House, a certain Zbigniew behaved like a criminal:


Why does he describe it?

Therefore, for Catholics to see that no ordination as a priest has any meaning.

Since Jesus, the true worshipers are not priests, but anyone who worships God in Spirit in truth.



The hour is coming, and is now, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father also seeks such to worship him in this way. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth


God wants a direct relationship with you. He no longer wants middlemen because the middlemen have failed Him. God only wants ministering babes in faith.



(26) And ye not so; but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the least, and he that leadeth, let him be as a servant.
(Luke 22:26)


What people need to learn is that it is not the title (priest, pastor) that confers holiness, but following the Word of God.

In the case below, some vulgar boy provoked an equally vulgar priest.

I am posting just to illustrate the point.


It was the priests who made parishes available for stabbing.



It was the pastors who sustained the Cowidian rhetoric and the pastors who authorize the Ukrainization of Poland and this Khazarian theater.


A sister recently wrote to me that her pastor showed the sign of horns....



Well, and part of it blesses single-parent unions.



Let's learn to separate, because it's not all gold that glitters.


 2 "Speak to the entire Israelite community and tell them: Be holyfor I am holyThe Lord your God!




Updated: 13 April 2022 — 21:30


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  1. But ye are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people purchased for a possession,[19] that ye may declare the virtues of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous[20] light. 1P2:9 This is about ordinary people.

  2. Chmielewski is also from the Salesians. I recently read that he has been verbally banned from working in several parishes because he talks too much about Mary.
    You see how many views you have, how many Chmielewski has.
    Why does he so rarely mention Jesus.
    Our Lady is blessing him. In popularity, charisma.
    The question is whether the Mother of God is not being impersonated by Satan and hence such success and recognition.
    If it weren't for this Blog I would never have thought about it. I was even about to make an act of faith

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