Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

In Australia a strange creature, and in Norway a fisherman fished out a baby dragon.


When a few weeks ago I saw news from Australia with a strange creature on the beach as above I thought it was a fake to make the man who found it famous. There are many surprising "discoveries" on the Internet, like the woman with horns I wrote about 10 years ago.

About this


But after the latest reports about the baby dragon, I think something is up. Either we're getting ready for some kind of UFO show or it's a strange coincidence, which can't be ruled out,


Alex Tan , who found this thing believes it is extraterrestrial.

Some people think it is a ringtail possum. An animal that lives in South America.

While the first corpse made me skeptical, the second one made me interested.



This creature looks like a small dragon from fairy tales. A fisherman found a dragon-like fish off the coast of Tromsø, Norway, adding to the collection of strange creatures he pulled from the depths.



Who knows, maybe from the relationship between Lucifer and a girl (dating site ad) named 2020 the fruit of that "love" was just the conception of this thing. 😀



Another possibility is perhaps that the natural world is still undiscovered so completely, and perhaps we are being introduced to something.


Maybe it's symbolism, or maybe it's coincidence.


(9) And a great dragon was cast down, the serpent of old, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast down to the earth, and his angels were cast down with him.
(Revelation 12:9)

One thing is for sure: we live in interesting times.




I will not be posting all articles on facebook. They can terminate my account at any time, and so if you still want to read my writings, I recommend you go to the blog every day and not to fejs.

Anyway, I'm considering pulling out of fey altogether.


Updated: 7 April 2022 — 08:37


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  1. Peter, write your email address, please.

  2. What a coincidence. I just saw the same creature on tv today. My parents were watching Ancient Aliens s.3, episode 2 and at the beginning there was about this and a similar picture. I don't watch this program because they don't even know that these aliens are demots. But they probably give some facts and you can look at it in a biblical context. They don't do that because it is tv after all.
    Anyway, they said there that the creature was a Montauk monster.
    And that dragon in the second picture reminds me of Geruda they were talking about in this episode....

  3. Hello Peter, in relation to your post maybe this video will interest you, it is in English. In her videos a woman talks about visions she receives from our Creator, and in this particular one she talks about visions of creatures from the depths of the sea, of mermaids (NEPHILIM). Thank you and may Yah keep you in His protection.

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