Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Biden pushes for World War 3 saying of Ukraine: "if I have to go to war, I'm going with you."

Either he is no longer in control of what he says, or he is preparing the world for war.


On Wednesday, Biden addressed the NABTU North American Legislative Conference.




"This war may last a long time, but The United States will continue to stand by Ukraine, the Ukrainian people and his fight for freedom," Biden said.

He then declared: "By the way, if I have to go to war, I am going with you ".




The Russian invasion of Ukraine has taken much longer than U.S. military officials initially anticipated. Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told Congress in a closed session in early February that Kiev could fall within just 72 hours of the Russian invasion. On Tuesday, he offered a new forecast, saying the war would last "certainly at least years".


I was even about to write recently about how it will pay off for them if the war lasts as long as possible.

Crash, Ukrainianization of Poland, arms sales, rising fuel and gas prices, broken supply chains.


It is unbelievable that people elect their oppressors as MPs, presidents etc. All out of mental laziness.



Updated: 7 April 2022 — 22:04


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  1. Phil 3:20-21 For our homeland is in heaven. From there we await as Saviors our Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our humiliated body into one like his glorious body, with the power that he can also subdue everything that is.

  2. Peter who to vote for? There are no divine candidates for deputies, presidents, etc. Even if they were found, the systemic plague would soon destroy them.

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