Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zelenski: "we will become a 'great Israel' with its own face".


So-called conspiracy theories have long ceased to be conspiracy theories, but a worse problem has arisen. Well, people who know the truth have embedded their faith ONLY and exclusively in conspiracies overlooking the fact that conspiracies do not save from the death of the other and Jesus does.

What is happening on the Internet is the rise of a new religion: conspiracism.

New facts, new news yes. Jesus doesn't, because it's inconvenient, because you have to change, work on your character, get to know God, and yet the fact that we are ruled by the Khazars the people of Satan, the serpent testifies to the existence of God. If there are people of Satan then there is also God. But no, it is better to point out only the wicked, but not to come to the source of love. This is why humanity will enter the Great Tribulation. Even those who have learned the truth have God somewhere.


“„Myślę, że wszyscy nasi ludzie będą naszą wielką armią. Nie możemy mówić o „Szwajcarii przyszłości” – prawdopodobnie nasze państwo będzie mogło tak wyglądać jeszcze długo później” – powiedział Zełenski. „But we will definitely become a "Greater Israel" with its own face”.”


What does a systemic demagogue say about this? A lie has short legs.



Zełeński obiecuje, że Ukraina stanie się drugim Izraelem, ale najpierw musi wybić Ukraińców razem z ….Rosją

Resettle some.


Countries that provide security guarantees to Ukraine will also be needed, Zelenski said, naming Israel as one of those countries.


Pastors will not tell you that. Maybe a few priests trying to keep up with the truth.


Interestingly, the new Israel is to be built by Poland and even Turkey:


“„Wszystko to jest omawiane na poziomie doradców i przywódców z Francją, Stanami Zjednoczonymi, Turcją, Wielką Brytanią, Polską, Włochami, Izraelem i jest wielu przyjaciół, którzy chcą dołączyć” – powiedział Zełenski. ”


The new Khazaria will be a restored Khazaria.

Just waiting for them to rebuild their ancient capital of Itil.


Fame to Jesus.




Here is the source:





Updated: 6 April 2022 — 21:05

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