Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

During the financial crisis of 1720, the British Parliament debated a resolution that bankers be sewn up in snakeskin sacks and thrown into the Thames

I am not urging violence, but want to show how humanity has lost its instinct for self-preservation.

On the one hand, some nations sanctified by the media and the U.S. murder their own and deal brutally with prisoners of war, while on the other hand, for example, the Poles robbed by banker prime ministers pretend as if nothing happened.



Back then, the Khazarian Rothschild family did not have such influence.

It is actually a variation of a Roman punishment called the Lex Pompeia , and the punishment was to have every director of the South Sea Company who caused the crisis tied to a sack with a dog, a rooster, a viper and a monkey in each, and then drowned in the Thames.


As we know the bankers are of righteous Khazar origin.

Hardly, prime ministers are former bankers because the forge of prime ministers takes place in corporations that breed people who will rob nations for money. Set taxes and complicate regulations.


Jesus Christ did not like bankers.



People can put up with a lot, and this is due to a lack of knowledge of economics, a lack of love for the truth, and above all a lack of desire to know God.


Why don't people cry out to God now in such hard times?

About 85% are Catholic in Poland. They attend Catholic weddings, celebrate the Catholic Sol Invictus on December 24, and dine out to commemorate Ishtar Day, where the egg and rabbit were sex symbols, as Assyrian Ishtar was the Babylonian goddess of fertility and sex.



In fact, it was transgender Lucifer.




Check the internet to see if I'm lying, if the eggs and bunnies are from Ishtar or if they are part of the Passover ceremonies of the true ancient Israel that God divorced.



Sometimes I catch some amplitudes and get burned out because I don't see the changes in society.

Everyone is right and no one is...

I am reminded of the lyrics of the Khazar culture band Lady Pank entitled Report from N Town:


„Najpierw mańkutom praworęczni przysolili że hej, a potem tłum brunetów rudych lał. Fani muzyki zwarli szyki przeciw głuchym jak pień, a każdy z nich się opętańczo darł.

I am not cheerful looking at the hedonistic society drunk with television. The mass of educated people, often good at their jobs, are TV sybarites. They uncritically look at the crystalline IMAGE.




 And it was given to her to bestow the spirit image Bestii, so that even the image of the beast spoke, and that he would cause all to be killed who would not worship the image of the beast. (16) And he makes all: small and great, rich and poor, free and slave receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead (17) and that no one can buy or sell who does not have the mark - the name of the Beast or the number of his name.



The world of image is important to Satan's system.





What is important to God is the invisible.


(5) Jesus answered, Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
(John 3:5)


The Spirit is not visible and to see the Kingdom of God one must be born of the Spirit. Get out of religion and come to the Living God.

Just confess your sins, acknowledge Jesus as your King, get baptized, and follow His Word.






Updated: 29 March 2022 — 21:41


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  1. Hi Peter, one thing puzzles me, where did the governments lose control over these banker families, (Rothschild Rockefellers, Warburgs) and exactly at what point did they feel that this was their moment to take power slowly, how many conspiracies, how many lies, unnecessary deaths had to be for these people to come to power, but most of all, how far did the people of that time depart from God for all this to pay off for these bank robbers to this day? Such are my loose thoughts. Greetings Peter and blessings in Jesus Name.

    1. The last fights for sovereignty took place in the early 20th century. After World War 2, everything was a done deal.
      Just as the end of history as we know it will come after event 3 and the antichrist will appear

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