Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Ukraine's military commander brags about ordering mass CIRCULATION of all wounded Russian soldiers.

About a week ago I relayed to you that Ukrainian journalist calls for genocide of Russians by killing their children.

Today, there is a new facet to the Ukrainian mentality that is supposed to enrich our culture.



Namely shead of medical service of the Ukrainian army stated , that Ukrainian soldiers were given "strict orders" to "castrate all wounded" Russians captured during the ongoing conflict in the Eastern European country.



Godless Poland has allowed itself to be carried away by false feelings, and yes, even though not everyone is like the above-quoted front-page people, in time we will get to know those whom we thoughtlessly, without political debate, without financial support from the EU, let in.



According to Gennady Druzenko, who once worked for the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Russians "are cockroaches, not people" and therefore deserve to be treated as such. This is full-on Nazi eugenics in action, celebrated not only by Druzenko but also by some Western media, of which CNN .

"Not all fascists wear swastikas or wolf angels," wrote filmmaker Dan Cohen of Mint Press News in a Twitter post about Druzenko's statements during a recent interview with Channel 24 .

The United States government continues to tell Americans to "support Ukraine" as hatred of Russia and racism coupled with violence and genocide increases. Some wonder if the hatred and violence is justified just because Vladimir Putin is supposedly a "bad" guy?

"Druzenko has close ties to the U.S. government," - Cohen added. "He has been through USAID/Chemonics and the Wilson Center."


Paradoxically, not long after, this Nazi pawn of the U.S. zmhe changed his position after he received an anonymous message containing his personal information, including phone numbers and address, along with a promise that the anonymous person would "arrive unannounced" to "cut [his] balls off."


link to statement:




Updated: 23 March 2022 — 12:21

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