Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."


Jasio Klif, known mainly to the Adventist community for his professional videos containing a lot of valuable knowledge, recorded a new, as usual, interesting video, and although I am close to AD7 we also have big differences. One is the ecumenism of this religious group. The other is the total omission of world Zionism which is a mega omission.


John indicates that one beast is Babylon or Rome, which will fall, and in a moment he says that the papacy will rule the world.

It's also not quite the case that Rome is only now gaining Orthodoxy. Photo from 2014:


Notabene, dwa węże się spotkały…

If that was too short a time then let's look at the meeting in Assisi.




For an ecumenical meeting to happen the ground had to be built up for years.

The Vatican is the mother of harlots including both Orthodox and Adventists.




The author sees the beast in the USA, but the whole business in the USA is managed by Khazars, so this is only a part of the truth. You will not get to know the mechanisms of enslavement without realizing that all important offices, law enforcement, world organizations are under the pillory of Khazars.



This is something the channel author completely fails to address.

Nor that of AP 3.


(9) Oto Ja ci daję [ludzi] z synagogi szatana, spośród tych, którzy mówią o sobie, że są Judejczykami – a nie są nimi, lecz kłamią. Oto sprawię, iż przyjdą i padną na twarz przed twymi stopami, a poznają, że Ja cię umiłowałem. 




Updated: 22 March 2022 — 08:48

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