Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zelenski bans all opposition parties in Ukraine and the West keeps quiet.

The lie has been staggering.


On the night of Saturday and Sunday 19/20, the President of Ukraine announced the closure of 11 opposition parties in Ukraine.

It's as if there was no case, because  The total silence of Western political and journalistic circles, NGOs defending "democratic values" prevailed over truth and reliability.


The truth is that the Khazarian New World Order along with religions (including Protestantism) cuts off all acts of truth which I am an example of as I have already had two YT accounts banned (one 20tys subscribers, the other 7 thousand).

Facebook has banned me many times for a few days and now I have been banned for a month for the second time.

But that's not all.

It is getting to the point where Facebook is deleting likes and subscriptions without the users consent as my sisters wrote on my profile:



I wonder if I should still be on KhazarBook....



Zelenski announced the Security and Defense Council's decision to ban opposition parties. This comes after the passage of an entire piece of legislation banning criticism of the Ukrainian government under threat of criminal prosecution, after the arrest of various opposition activists, in particular Elena Berezhna in Kiev, who critically intervened before the UN, after the arrest of Viktor Medvedchuk, the number one opponent who calls for dialogue with Russia. But about all this the Western media and politicians prefer not to talk too much. 

This war is paying off for Zelenski, the globalists, Morawiecki and the Pope.


Thus, in Ukraine 11 Ukrainian opposition parties are outlawed as long as the conflict continues.


Sooner or later they will silence the internet.


"The most important of these parties is the opposition Platform For Life, Viktor Medvedchuk's opponent, which has 44 elected members out of 450 in the Rada, Ukraine's parliament. Among other things, Viktor Medvedchuk is accused of maintaining friendly relations with Vladimir Putin, who according to a Ukrainian politician is the godfather of his daughter. The Nasha party of former MP Yevheni Murayev, which has no elected members, is also concerned. In January this year. Russian diplomacy subsequently categorically denied the allegations.

In other words, the parliamentary parties will be suspended. If this suspension of political life justifies a time of war, when the time is not for reflection but for crushing, then Parliament itself must be suspended in its entirety, not selectively.

The Justice Ministry must immediately take all measures, and Zelenski concludes:

"Everyone must take care of the interests of the state, the interests of Ukraine. Because it's for us, for life." 

What is the relationship between opposition repression and prosperity  States? That the interests of the ruling junta are threatened.


Why is nothing like this happening in Poland? Because no grouping threatens the current establishment.

No pressure no reaction. Passive lukewarm pseudo opposition not scoring the current Sejm. No one has ever presented a proposal for a law on the declaration of compulsory indication of the origin of MPs up to the fourth generation. There was also no lustration law.


Likewise with pastors. Pastors pretend that their environment is pristine. They do not criticize one another. They are all saints. Only heaven is still closed.




Updated: 22 March 2022 — 15:25

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