Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Programming people with resettlement of Ukrainians.

I thought the topic was so important that I would transcribe the video as per the title. Rumble over time may throw me off as well. Note that he has two triangles in his logo.



Those who have power over television stations create a reality that does not exist.

We have been created a theater the same way they have been doing it for years. Right vs. Left, but a few Roman Khazarian's on both sides.




Humanity does not know what is happening in the world now. Only a few simple people not created by this Khazar-Jesuit system have any idea and awareness of what is happening in the world arena.


A psychological-military operation entitled. Resettlement of Ukrainians has, in my opinion, a much more far-reaching dimension than people think.




Displaced Persons' Privileges.


The refugees will legally stay in Poland for 18 months. This is interesting, because probably neither side, neither Russia nor Ukraine are able to predict when the war will end, and after all, it could end in a week or a year, and they are already offering Ukrainians a stay of 18 months.

Secondly, anyone who accepts Ukrainians will receive 1200 PLN per month. By the way, who will control how much energy they use (the price of gas is rising). Rents will increase.


The Ukrainians have free train travel, free kindergartens, free schools, free medical care and many other things.


Part of the population has succumbed to the magic of television and mindlessly accepted the displaced people. Once again I want to emphasize clearly: these are displaced people like those from Palestine and the same nation displaces them as the Palestinians and in this war there is no good and bad.

Eviction bans vs. displaced persons.



As you can see, during the pandemic no one can be evicted, so those Poles who have taken in displaced persons will be forced, regardless of their characters and relations with the tenants, to keep them in their apartments, and if they do not, they will face a minimum of a year in prison.
So what does this operation as I call it psychological-military consist of?

The action is to program minds for the Great Reset to bring in the neo-commune.


It is impossible to understand their goals without the slogan of the World Economic Forum:


"You will not own anything. And you will be happy."



Well, neo-communism is being introduced in the world by social engineering specialists, applauded by none other than the world's greatest communist, Jesuit Bergolio.


By the way: it is impossible to be against neo-communism and be Catholic at the same time. It's like a converted Satanist...



If someone is against the Khazarian World Order, they will have nothing to do with Catholicism.

That's why I trust only a handful of joutubers from the anti-system and certainly neither Ator nor Gadowski are among them.

I also don't trust the new age because all these channels from vibrations, shamans, Huna, UFOs are an agenda of the chazario-rzym.




The Pope has been urging people to accept refugees for many years. And not only the Pope. Pastor Cyrikas, who is well known in Poland, did the same.


Robert to Andrew Cyrikas.

So I ask that people who watch A. Cyrikas not read me. Besides, he himself urged you to do so. You must learn sanctification.


Many pastors come from a Jesuit organization called the Renewal in the Holy Spirit. Protestantism is Zionism. No pastor will make a video criticizing current Israel and show the truth about Khazaria.



Last year the Pope said as you saw above in the screengrab the Pope said:


Welcome the refugees. Send their children to school



They create problems and wars in order to find a solution later, and this solution is of course not to reach into the pockets of the Vatican, corporations and politicians, but into the pockets of Europeans. Why Europeans? and not inhabitants of rich Saudi Arabia or Turkey? because Christianity is to be destroyed or rather mutated remnants of pseudo-Christianity.


Pope of Rome , Pope of Catholics, Holy Father to Catholics said in 2021 : Welcome the refugees. Send their children to schoolThe Vatican, in the context of the Afghans, but again it was USRAEL that brought this about, just as they are now bringing Russia into war with Ukraine. You won't hear about such things either from the mouth of the Pope or from under the pen of the Vatican. As if they don't know the truth.



The word has been spoken: displaced people are being accepted and their children are being sent to Polish schools, but I remind you that the Pope's statement concerned Afghans, and the plan is for the whole world of the white race.

To be Catholic is to build a Khazarian world of neo-communism with Rome at its head.


One must listen to the Pope, the false prophet. He tells it like it is and like it will be. That's because he is an influencer of a dystopian reality.

To give you a true view and picture of what they are planning I suggest you read some articles on wheat.,79cfc278?fbclid=IwAR1V7E0Xtb1zcQKmYBDXKER_n_my1OGpsNNzf9iDo5ghKt_lMDh0SV7YR8Y


Here's the plan.


You may remember either from my blog or from other sources you may know that Russia is or actually was the largest wheat exporter in the world and Ukraine not much smaller. Both countries have stopped exports.
What does this mean? Is it just increases in wheat prices? No.
There will be a biblical famine that was foretold in the apocalypse and which I talked about in my other video on YT:



As a result of Vladimir Putin's attack on Ukraine and Moscow's ban on wheat exports, hunger levels will rise, especially in Africa but also in the Middle Eastall the way to Pakistan," says Matin Qaim, director of the Bonn Development Research Center.


Sam komisarz UE ds. rolnictwa Janusz Wojciechowski powiedział, że „Famine will even increase migratory pressure on Europe."

So the easiest thing for these Khazarian beasts to do is to quarter people in Europe.

Every house will have Africans docked, and they are usually Islamists.

This will be more than the Spanish okupas law I wrote about a few years ago.


In Spain, it is enough not to be at home for 48 hours for someone to settle in an apartment or a house and legally you cannot throw them out of that house.


This is the direction, this is the trend in which Poles actively participate supporting the Catholic Church, Protestantism, Jehovah's Witnesses and the whole parliament. I remind you that Bosak, Braun are ultra Catholicism. The same as wrealu24. What kind of idolaters one has to be to trust Braun.



How naive do you have to be to trust wrealu24?


It's going to get worse. We will get mandatory docking of Islamists. What do you think the census was so detailed for?

You had to include square footage, number of rooms, ownership, etc. Never been that detailed.
I will only recall some of the questions, as there is no point in recalling all of them.




Can you see now that they were preparing for this war? They already knew in September how many people lived in a given house and whether the Poles would be willing to accept the resettlers, and that wasn't the end of it...
However, docking awaits the whole world as a result of the famine they will serve . Of course officially everyone's hands are clean because it's Putin.

Compatriots don't be stupid ignorant! They are on both sides of the conflict.


The future will not be bright. I have said this many times, that it is because people have walked away from God and now they will have to face the consequences of that walk away from God.

People want to speak to God to ask, but they don't want to hear the Word from God!!! This is scandalous and self-destructive!


Add to this the deception in Protestant churches that reject God's Law, and the picture of believers is nightmarishly unfavorable.

That's why the Khazars have a great deal of room for error. Precisely because of their lack of discernment of what is right and what is wrong.


A year ago, probably a Communist from the Civic Coalition, Klaudia Jachira made a propaganda video about the social refrigerator. Listen to the programming here.



What she injected into the minds of the audience is already taking place. This former activist of Nowoczesna, a pro-gay and leftist party has played a super role and here already at this point there is no difference between the left and the Catholic Church or Protestantism.

Below are just a selection of pastors:



If sheep are stupid, why not take advantage of it.



Of course, in all this there will be equal and more equal people. Mrs Klaudia will not accept any refugees when Europe is flooded by Islamists, unless she has two apartments and accepts Islamists in one of them for show in front of thoughtless people.

By the way, do you realize what coexistence with counter-cultural claimants might look like?

Marx was of Khazar descent, as were Zelenski, Stalin, the Rothschilds, the World Bank managers, and many others who suck the blood of humanity.


Add to this what is happening now in Ukraine in terms of digitization. Well, Ukrainians who will want to receive benefits from the government will have to have a vaccination certificate.

Guaranteed income social refrigerators, docking of displaced persons, all this is the plan of the elites for the worlds neo-communism.

Indeed, when we look at the people who have surrendered to emotion rather than reason and accepted the displaced people how happy they are, we can safely say, assume, predict that : "You will not own anything. And you will be happy" will reflect the feelings of the people subjected to the lie. They will be happy to share their possessions, but until then.



Christians will live with Buddhists and Islamists in their own apartments and think they have one god. Of course, as a result of the deliberate destruction of private property, they will no longer own anything and will be happy to have nothing. If you don't have anything, you don't have to worry about your bills, you don't have to worry about someone stealing something from you.

I think a lot of people mentally can't handle it.

Tough times are coming, and only drawing closer to God and his word will help you get through it all.



That's the way it has to be.


 Because, though they knew God, they did not worship Him as God nor give thanks to Him, but faded away in their thoughts and eclipsed their mindless heart(22) By claiming to be wise they became foolish. (23) And they exchanged the glory of the indestructible God for the likenesses and images of mortal man, birds, four-legged animals, and amphibians. Romans 1.


They exchanged the glory of God for the flag of Ukraine, and next year the glory of the flags of Chad, Nigeria, Sudan.

It is nothing that the mighty of this world cause wars and poverty. It is important to join with others in stupidity.


So let us abide in the Word of God, which gives wisdom and a good way.



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Updated: 26 March 2022 — 17:11


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  1. „Nie da się być przeciwko neokomunizmowi i być katolikiem”

    „Jeśli ktoś jest przeciwny Chazarskiemu Porządkowi Świata, nie będzie miał nic wspólnego z katolicyzmem”

    I honestly don't understand these sentences. I think a logical error has gotten into them.

    1. It is impossible to be against neo-communism and be Catholic."

      I.e. it is not possible to coexist the fight against communism while simultaneously belonging to a pro-communist organization such as Catholicism

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