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Russian ambassador accuses US of illegal biological research in Ukraine.

Anti-fake sites obviously controlled by Khazaria deny the existence of US labs in Ukraine.

By the way, sometimes sites like demagogue will post some factoids, but I guess it's to establish credibility and ridicule the anti-system.



The U.S. government denies that biological research took place in Ukraine, but Russia is now exposing a biolab network that was created during the Obama-Biden administration . Former President Barack Obama previously toured and spoke about these Ukrainian biological labs that were set up under the humanitarian pretext of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program.


Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzia presented new evidence that there are at least thirty suspected biolabs in Ukraine . These biological laboratories are jointly funded by the United States under the Defense Threat Reduction Agency. A full military audit of these biolabs is necessary to ensure U.S. and Ukrainian compliance with the UN Biological Weapons Convention.


The U.S. and Ukrainian ambassadors did not take the allegations seriously and immediately dismissed the existence of the biolabs and the biological research conducted there. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield and Ukrainian Ambassador Sergiy Syslytsya claimed that Russia was using the narrative as a pretext to use its own biological weapons against the Ukrainian people. They agreed that Russia is the only aggressor in the current situation. UN Under-Secretary-General and High Representative for Disarmament Affairs Izumi Nakamitsu agreed that the UN "is not aware of any biological weapons program in Ukraine."


In fact, U.S. defense documents from 2005 show that there were plans to establish a level three biosecurity laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine. Subsequently, Senator Barack Obama admitted that he took a trip with Senator Dick Lugar. Obama casually recalls the dangerous conditions at the labs after being presented with vials of plague, anthrax and other dangerous biological weapons .




Obama later revealed this in a presidential address at the Nunn-Lugar Threat Reduction Symposium. Obama said he learned a lot from Dick Lugar and was "taken in" by him. The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program expanded into Ukraine after Obama and Lugar teamed up with Ukrainian officials.


The US-funded Interim Central Reference Laboratory biolaboratory opened in June 2010 in Odessa, Ukraine. The biolaboratory was praised by U.S. Senator Dick Lugar, who announced that it would be helpful in studying dangerous pathogens. "The Level 3 biosafety lab, which is the first built under the expanded authority of the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program, will be used to study anthrax, tularemia and Q fever, as well as other dangerous pathogens," Lugar said. .


On US Fox News, Tucker Carlson and Tulsi Gabbard condemn the presence of US-funded biological laboratories in Ukraine. Outrage in the US media.


Tucker Carlson said the United States is lying about its biological weapons program in Ukraine: " In Ukraine US-funded laboratories for the development of military biological weapons are being built. This is what the Russians claim - Tucker Carlson said.

"  What exactly is the US government doing in these secret biological research labs? Ukraine is the poorest country in Europe, not a breeding ground for biological research. Why have you come all this way to lie about it? - said Tucker, referring to Victoria Nuland.

"  Because it turns out that we've just spent the last two years living off the results of another U.S.-funded foreign bioweapons lab " - Carlson said.

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) spoke about a report that the United States is running biological weapons labs in Ukraine.

Gabbard criticized the Biden administration for hiding the existence of the labs and said he was "very concerned" if Russia took control of them during the invasion of Ukraine.


She added: "  The United States funds biological research laboratories around the world, including in Ukraine. These labs must be shut down immediately ".


After these statements by Tulsi Gabbard, she faced the wrath of the media and politicians. According to them, she is conveying Russian propaganda. Forbes published an article condemning the fact that Tulsi Gabbard conveys conspiracy theories supported by Russia . Senator Mitt Romney said that Gabbard is spreading "treasonous lies ".


However, several sources seem to confirm the presence of U.S.-funded pathogen biology labs around the world (see references below, especially the remarkable work of investigative journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva ).


WHO says it has advised Ukraine to destroy pathogens in health labs to prevent spread of disease (Reuters)


The Biden administration is working to remove websites showing that Obama ordered Ukrainian biological labs to grow "deadly pathogens."


According to a website that has been quietly removed, Barack Obama allegedly directed an operation that led to the construction of biolabs in Ukraine to create deadly and dangerous pathogens.


I do not believe in the purity of Russia, and as for my scanty knowledge of intelligence in the world, it is surprising that Russia with such a good intelligence reveals so few things.


That Obama and Biden are Luciferians needs no convincing. Just why these labs are currently being played?...That I don't know.

Perhaps (one of my hypotheses) under to release some sort of biological weapon.


I'm reminded of what Bill Gates said:


He said this back in February of this year.

In truth, I believe people like Gates and Schwab because that's how they communicate their agenda, and since people hate the truth, they do whatever they want and no one will do anything to them.




Updated: 17 March 2022 — 12:06


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