Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Love versus hate. Do we understand it correctly?

You don't even know how understanding these concepts is important.

On the one hand there are people who play with the concept of love by accusing others accusingly of not having love, and on the other hand there are those who stretch themselves with certain radical verses.


We must at least get close to the truth in order not to feel condemned, and on the other hand, which is most important, not to get caught up in the antichrist. I proved to you some time ago that Zelenski was made a god and a hero when in fact he is according to the Bible an anti-hero and has the spirit of the antichrist.



So let's look at the very first definition:


hatred: hostility, great dislike of something or someone


According to these words, Jesus hated the Pharisees:


A tribe of vipers! How can you speak good when you are evil? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. (35) A good man from a good treasury brings out good things; an evil man from an evil treasury brings out evil things. " Matthew 12.


Is the definition of hate met here? Yes, it is and yes it is.


Now let's look at God's word from Isaiah:



"His guardians are all blind, they see nothing. They are all mute dogs, unable to bark; they dream, they lie down, they like to slumber. Is 56.10



Are the current pastors warning against Zionism, which after all is dominant in Ukraine?

Do they warn against ecumenism? Few.

Did Yahweh (Jesus) fulfill the hate condition here? Yes.


Paul the apostle, author of the hymn of love said:


(12) Said one of them, their own bard: The Cretans always liars, evil beasts, lazy bellies.
(Titus 1:12)"


Jesus said of peace:


"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you. Not as the world gives, I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled or afraid!" John 14


What does this mean? It means that what is called peace in the world is not peace, and what is called love is not love, and also what is called hate is not hate.

One must be a Berean and get rid of idols to understand Scripture:


26) If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, and himself, he cannot be my disciple.
(Luke 14:26)



Does that mean we should hate our parents and family?

That's what a layman (not to be confused with a layman) might think 🙂

Here with a like 😉

People err because they don't take the Scriptures seriously, and most people who teach on the Internet are superficial in their reflections and thus hurt their listeners with their teaching.


But to the point. Has anyone bothered to learn the true meaning of the word in Greek? Sometimes you even have to go to Hebrew, but a lot of Bible smart guys know everything without researching anything and then pass judgment on things they haven't researched.


As hate the word "misei" has been used here which means more or less like this in context: "If anyone comes to me and loves his father and mother and wife and children more...he does not is worthy of me"


Which means that God's Word should stand above family attachment. God's law should take precedence. For example, Sol Invictus on December 24 cannot be more important because that is what the family wants from Jesus, who abhors pagan and therefore demonic days.


Relationships break down over God's Law. Many times I heard from brothers and sisters who said that after their conversion, husbands, wives said e.g. "before your new faith you were different, you could drink with you, go to disco, watch erotica" etc.


I watched a certain video sent to me today where a man using Scripture was cursing but saying he was helping Ukrainians.

I have been asked to comment. Ok, I'm glad, I'll be happy to help and assist, but everyone should recognize for themselves by the fruit.

Christians, as I have written several times before, will welcome the antichrist with open hands, for he will probably appear as a man of peace and love!


God's love is not the one that repents in the mindset of the world. Including in the minds of many Christians.

The love we should follow is agape love:


"Love is the action of giving oneself to others for their good, independent of personal sympathies or feelings. It prompts sacrificial conduct and does not await reward. This is the love Christ showed by dying for us." 



I, for example, do not expect remuneration from others. Whoever wants to, supports me. But I expect love from believers towards me. I do not expect love from atheists or Catholics. It expects from biblical Christians.


According to this understanding, regardless of our sympathies, we can and should help someone even if we don't like them. I am not talking here about begging for wine, or getting into discussions with haters. Those things we don't have to do. God's love agape, is undeservedly showing goodness even to enemies. It doesn't mean you have to be friends with someone. It means you have to show him good and not evil. You MUST pray for him and be good to him, kind and unkind.



(32) For if you love only those who love you, what gratitude is there for you? Even sinners love those who love them.
(Luke 6:32)


We cannot say to another person you fool, but we can say that ungodly people are foolish.


Legal basis for both:

Jesus said(17) Foolish and blind! For what is more important, gold or the tabernacle that sanctifies gold?"


(13) Don't get involved with dumb Do not enter into long conversations and do not go to him who has no sense. Beware of him, so that you will not be hurt or defiled by coming into contact with him. Avoid him, and you will find rest and will not be bitter because of his lack of understanding. Syracha.



 (21) For from within, from the human heart, come evil thoughts, fornication, theft, murder, (22) Adultery, greed, perversity, deceit, licentiousness, envy, insults, pride, stupidity. Mk 7

(22) By claiming to be wise they became foolish.
(Romans 1:22
(22) Adultery, greed, perversity, deceit, licentiousness, envy, insults, pride, foolishness.
(Mark 7:22)
On the Christmas tree and the worship of images:
(7) Who would not fear you, King of the nations? Yes, to you it is due, for among all the wise men of the nations and among all their kings there is none like you. (8) Everyone is stupid and unintelligent; the worship of wood is absurd. (9) The silver thinly vaulted, brought from Tarsias, and the gold from Ofir, are the work of an artisan and the hands of a goldsmith; their robe is of blue and red purple. All this is the work of experts
Do we now understand that departing from God's Law is foolishness?
Breaking the decalogue, or even preaching nailing it to the cross, where it is forbidden to bow to images.
2 Says dumb in its heart: "There is no God. They are corrupt, abominable things they commit, there is none that does good. 
Yes, Poles in the light of God's Word are foolish.
I was foolish, we born again were foolish, and it probably still happens to us sometimes to be foolish because we do not know God well.
What else is agape love?
Agape love (giving oneself to others for their good, independent of personal likes or feelings) and faithfulness cleanses a person of his guilt (Proverbs 16:6).
In the end times, agape love
(giving of oneself to others for their benefit, independent of personal likes or feelings) 
in many people will grow cold, because lawlessness will multiply in the churches (Matthew 24:12). Woe to the Pharisees who tithe but bypass God's law because they have no agape love in them (Luke 11:42).
If you will have agape love
(giving of oneself to others for their benefit, independent of personal likes or feelings)
then everyone will know that you are a disciple of Jesus (John 13:35).
Jesus revealed God and agape love to you
(giving of oneself to others for their benefit, independent of personal likes or feelings)
which the Father loved him, that it may be also in you (John 17:26).
A person begins to speak of his hope (of Christ) when he receives the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit pours out agape love in his heart (Romans 5:5). The fulfillment of God's law is agape love, for it does no evil to one's neighbor (Romans 13:10).
Cognition inflates, and agape
(giving of oneself to others for their benefit, independent of personal likes or feelings) 
builds (1 Corinthians 8:1).


The fruit of the Spirit is agape
(giving of oneself to others for their benefit, independent of personal likes or feelings) 
and the resulting joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness (Gal 5:22).

How does this relate to the situation with Ukrainians, who are actually a mixed group? There are single women with children in it, and there are Bandera people in it, and there are people puking in apartments, and there are Islamic students, and so on.


Love without wisdom is hate.


(15) The heart of the wise acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise pursues knowledge.
(Proverbs 18:15)"


Hatred is when it eats away at a person, bitterness triumphs over forgiveness, a sense of having been wronged to which we are entitled over prayer for enemies.


Hate - a very strong feeling of dislike for someone or something, often combined with a desire that something bad should happen to the object of hatred. "


Hate is the desire for revenge, retaliation and has nothing to do with dislike, antipathy.



Be angry, but do not sin; let not the sun set on your anger. Eph 4.26



Updated: 16 March 2022 — 10:38

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