Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

"A measure of wheat for a denarius and three measures of barley for a denarius" is coming soon.

The text is sort of a transcription of a video I posted on my YT channel today.



As I have been saying since the beginning of PLANDEMIA we are in the 4 rider phase. That's when I pointed out the coincidence of the virus name with the first horseman who has a crown on his head.


"Behold white horse, and sitting on it was a bow. A crown was given to him, and he, the victor, set out to continue winning. "


Wszyscy pamiętamy tę wszechogarniającą biel z nagłówków gazet i portali. Biały niszczyciel otrzymał koronę, która to stała się sławna w ciągu kilku tygodni. Służba (nie) zdrowia.



16 stycznia 2021 roku kiedy opisywałem  kwestię 4 jeźdźców napisałem, że niebawem będzie wojna:




 And another horse came out - the color of flame, and the one sitting on it was allowed to take peace from the land, so that people were killing each other. And a great sword was given to him."




The war has begun and in my estimation will be global. Probably Iran will attack the fake Khazarian Israel.

Just as people have had to get used to the reality of plandemic, they now have to get used to the reality of war, and even though there is no war around the world it doesn't mean there won't be one.




Which pastor informs you about what is happening now from Revelation?

Jeśli tak, to chwała Bogu, jeśli nie, to jest to ich porażka.


They are hiding from you because a large part of them are Khazarian Zionists and the rest are opportunistic shepherds subjected to the system.


W tym samym linku jw. sprzed roku ostrzegałem, że jesteśmy  tuż przed trzecim koniem:


"And behold a black horse, and the one sitting on it had a scale in his hand. (6) And I heard as it were a voice in the midst of the four Animals, saying, A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius, and destroy not the oil and the wine!"


Why did I warn that we are not much time before the 3rd horse?


Dlatego, że Gates zgodnie z raportem Forbesa (link na dole)  , kupił ponad 242,000 acres of farmland, co oficjalnie czyni go największym  prywatnym właścicielem gruntów rolnych w Ameryce. Gates od lat kupuje grunty rolne w miejscach takich regionach jak Floryda i Waszyngton i has built a massive farmland portfolio spanning 18 states. Its largest holdings are in Louisiana (69,071 acres), Arkansas (47,927 acres) and Nebraska (20,588 acres).


What is intriguing is that the Forbes reporters writing about this have no idea for what purpose Gates was buying so much land....


Now the facts more close to that unfortunate vintage, which when reduced is 6.

Uważajcie! Teraz news z wczoraj:


Link at bottom.


Rosja jest największym eksporterem pszenicy na ziemi!!!

Wojna była ukartowana przez obie strony.


Żeby nie być gołosłownym. Cena na dzisiaj tj 10 marca:



I chose the time frame of January 2021 to March 2022 for today.


Ukraine is banning exports of rye, barley, buckwheat, millet, sugar, salt and meat until the end of the year, the Ukrainian government said on Wednesday. Because of the war, the supply gap could reverberate on European or world markets. Already, the world food price index is at its highest level ever.*



Add to that rampant fuel prices like never before and this is barely the beginning.



As you have seen they do it on purpose and just today I published a news story about how the head of WHO said this about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.

Sami to wywołują. Księga Objawienia objawiła nam plany szatana, ale dzięki niej też wiemy, że szatan przegra, a zwyciężą Ci jak to jest napisane, którzy strzegą przykazań Bożych i wiary Jezusa Chrystusa.


12 Here the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus will be demonstrated. ” Ap 14



Love your enemies, pray for them, separate them from evil, from Satan's world, from evil people, from what is unclean. Jesus is coming.


Famine will be followed by death, either to ketchups or a new plague.

Read God's Word, reconcile with God by apologizing for all your sins. Ask for forgiveness in Jesus' name for not being good to people and to God. Get baptized in the name of Jesus and nothing will be the same again.


Praise Jesus.




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  1. Piotr Politowicz

    Aktualnie sytuacja jak na omawianej tutaj niegdyś okładce The Economist z 2021

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