Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zelenski made an appearance today wearing a T-shirt with the UPA logo.

What more could you want? A man who is of Khazar origin, showed his horns, danced in tight pants and stilettoes, and now shows up in a T-shirt with the logo of a group that murdered Poles:


screen from video:



Information from wikipedia:


In February 1943, UPA began extermination of Polish population in the occupied Volhynia province. It was caused by the UPA command's fear that after the end of the war there would be another Polish-Ukrainian conflict. Therefore, it decided to clear the disputed territories of Polish population beforehand. It has not been resolved yet whether the decision was made at the III conference of OUN-B or was initiated by the UPA commander Dmytro Klaczkiwski on his own, which is the opinion of the investigative department of the Institute of National Remembrance[10]. UPA units reinforced with deserters from Ukrainian auxiliary police carried out a number of attacks on Polish villages, including Parośle, Janowa Dolina[11].

The killings culminated on July 11, 1943, shortly after Dmytr Klaczkiwski issued a secret directive to the UPA-"Piwnicz" command to carry out a large-scale liquidation of Polish male population aged 16-60.[12]. Ukrainian civilians also participated in the murders, which were carried out with great cruelty. In July 1943 at least 530 Polish villages and settlements fell victim to the attacks. Seventeen thousand Poles were murdered then. The next intensification of attacks fell on August 1943 and Christmas. The Polish population survived only in large cities and self-defense centers[11].

Organized crimes lasted until February 1944 and caused, according to historians' estimates death of up to 50-60 thousand Poles."


Now Zelenski is an idol for the Poles.


It will not be an understatement to call those people who give in to the Khazar theater the dark masses, because thousands of Poles gave their lives for this and now have the illusion of Polishness.

You don't have to be a shackled slave at all to be one mentally.


Someone will say that this cross is an ordinary Maltese cross. Even if it was just a Maltese cross, it would already show a lot, but it is a UPA cross:




If stupidity hurt, millions of Poles would howl in pain...

Unbelievable.... but Poles help "the right sector that is Banderovtsy".



I don't know yet for what far-reaching purpose this mixing of two nations and cultures with hostile histories is, but I can guess that the reality of life will not be too rosy in Poland.

I recommend my video from yesterday to understand why a lot of misery is falling on Poland:


I guess Khazaria will be officially reactivated....




Updated: 9 March 2022 — 21:02

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