Truth in the end times. Biblical Christians.

Biblical Christians. THE TRUTH FOR THE FOLLOWERS OF JESUS CHRIST "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

Zelenski: "We will not forgive hundreds of victims and thousands of sufferings; neither will God."

Just a reminder that I'm banned again on chazarbook.


Another Zelenskian reference to God.


Another time, earlier this comedian said:




Let's not delude ourselves, or perhaps to naive Christians I will write: let's not delude ourselves, Zelenski is playing the role of the good cop he was given, just as Putin is PLAYING the role of the bad cop.

The perpetrator, however, is the same: world Khazaria, about which I have been writing for years, and only now are new age and Catholic portals beginning to use the term.

Sadly, in these obvious times, pastors fail to see without wanting to know the Scriptures that THE WHOLE WORLD IS IN FAILURE.




That is the purpose, so that you do not know what the beast system is.

You are supposed to not know this and that is why there will always be one side shown as evil by (pro-Khazarian) pastors.


Which of these golden-mouthed internet pastors are telling you this or their friends who have suddenly grown up from plandemi on Facebook?

Which one? Please provide an example.


Oh foolish Polacks, Christians. Who has deceived you?

Oh foolish Catholics, Christians, who has fooled you into believing that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the church?






We live in the end times and you don't even know what the biblical beast system is. You are being fooled by this theater. Ukraine the good and Russia the bad when the enemy of biblical Christians is on both sides and it is the beast governments.



It is already the people of this world who use biblical terminology (maybe agents even?), but you still don't know who the beast is.


Marek Chodorowski wrote a book entitled. "BESTIA - civilization on the precipice".

The same Chodorowski is invited by new ageists somewhat sympathetic Choinski and Zigi from Texas.

But none will say that the condition of salvation is not only to refuse to accept the sign (they themselves don't know what it is), but to repent and accept the gift of Jesus' sacrifice on the cross reconciling us to God.

It's not a matter of rejecting technology saves.


They don't tell New Ageists about changing their attitude, coming to the Word of God, and departing from Satan's world, and so knowingly or not they are deceiving people who will lose their salvation.

Even biblical Christians are fooled by Khodorovsky.


Zelenski said that instead of forgiveness, there will be a Judgment Day.

He has already set himself up as God or perhaps another god.

This is not yet the wrath of God, people are still living in the time of grace and can repent. Zelenski himself still has a chance to be saved, because for now he is a man on the side of Satan just like Putin. Perhaps even greater punishment will befall him because he invokes God and people believe him.


A few more statements like this and I will believe he is the antichrist.

What is the pastor's response to these statements? Shush?

What do the opponents of God's Law from Ireland say about this?


Zelenski's love is the failure to forgive the aggressor.

However, the day of God's wrath has not yet broken out, and it will come upon the whole land, not just the Russian land, and it may be that the Ukrainian land in particular.


In an incredible lie people live because they do not know God. This includes evangelicals.,nId,5875619?fbclid=IwAR2Jz9NjAhz2InUsTorqZbCajazOceLvlsZwMVxQX8T4VAHhT10gyvhrinU


Updated: 7 March 2022 — 13:48


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  1. It is ironic that a stage tranny should threaten God .Speaking of stage , he once gave an interesting performance of playing the piano and by no means used his hands to do it ☺

  2. A hologram of the Pope is shown in the Pope's Window at the Vatican?

    1. Actually it looks strange, so disappearing.

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